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I knocked on the apartment door and waited until Miyeon opened it. She was wiping her hands dry with a towel, wide eyes staring at me.

"Hm, Wooyoung, where's Nari?" She asked, prying her head out the door and looking both ways for her so called 'best friend'.

I had to make up a lie, "she decided she wanted to be alone for the meantime so I dropped her off at her house."

Miyeon furrowed her brows, "do you think that would be a good idea after what happened?"

I rubbed the back of my neck, "well, she did say she wanted to be left alone after what happened and think things through."

"I thought when girls go through breakups, they would want company from a friend?" She raised a brow.

I snorted, "you know Nari, she's different."

Miyeon shrugs a shoulder, "I guess so."

Walking inside the place, I closed the door behind me with my whole body facing the door. I bit the bottom of my lip and banged my head against the door continuously. I stopped when Nari's words popped in my head.

"Do you think a girl, who's as perfect as Miyeon is, would date someone who's as broken as you are?"

Miyeon's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "great, now that Nari's not coming, how are we going to finish this meal? This portion is meant for five people."

I turned around with a small frown on my face with the back of my shoulders leaning against the door. I watched as Miyeon was pacing back and forth in the kitchen with a thinking face on, worrying about the food. The scene would've made me smile but the thought of Nari being right made me frown even deeper.

" — would be a good idea, right?"

I heard Miyeon's voice but I was too deep in my thoughts to listen.


I didn't answer.


I snapped my attention to Miyeon, who had a worried look on her face, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just really hungry," more lies.

Miyeon's expression changed and she smiles cutely, "there's a lot of food here so help yourself."

I flashed her a smile and made me a bowl of noodles with kimchi. I set the bowl on the bar and went around to sit on one of the stools and started digging in.

"Wow, you were not kidding when you said you were hungry," Miyeon chuckle.

"I guess the drive to the hospital used up all of my energy,"

"What do you mean, the hospital isn't that far," Miyeon says.

"Driving takes a lot of energy," I defended myself.

"I mean, you're not wrong,"

"Anyways, why did you make a lot of noodles?" I changed the subject.

"I thought Nari would've been hungry so I made sure to add more than the amount we usually put in,"

I set my chopsticks down, "I got a question, Miyeon."

Miyeon was in front of me. She propped her elbows on the counter and set her chin in the palm of her hand as she waited for my question.

"Do you think Nari is a good person?"

Miyeon has a weird look on her face, "why ask me that all of a sudden?"

"Because, I was just curious,"

"Well, she's like an older sister that I never had. If I have anybody to count on, it would be her,"

I looked down at my bowl, "I see."

"Did something happen between you two when you took her home?"

I pursed my lips and didn't say anything but shook my head as an answer.

"You know you're acting a little bit funny ever since you came home. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I am,"

Miyeon placed a hand on my shoulder and I tense at her touch, "you know you can trust me right? If anything is bothering you and you want to talk to someone, I'm always here."

"I know," I said, losing the appetite that I had.

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