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I was stress eating.

Ever since this morning when Jonghoon told me about the true colours of Nari, I haven't stopped eating. I feel like I gained a few pounds from binging. The bloating feeling that was in my stomach didn't help the situation and I felt like throwing up from consuming so much food.

"Miyeon, are you okay?"

"I should be asking you that after what happened last night," I said, drinking my glass of water that was on the table. The liquid helping me a little with the tummy ache.

"I'm back on track, thanks to you," he smile cheekily at me, "now, it's your turn."

"I'm sorry, I just feel lost at the moment," I said, not looking at him but at the countertop of the kitchen.

"Lost? About what?"

"Say, Wooyoung," I started and gulped down the lump that was in my throat, "you would never betray me, would you? We're good friends, right? At least, for now?"

"What do you mean by the last part?"

I set my gaze on him, "I mean, if, you know, we would want to take this friendship to the next level."

He blushed, "o — oh."

"You didn't answer my question,"

"No, I would never betray you. Why are you suddenly asking me that now?"

I ran a hand through my hair and bit my lip before answering, "because — because I just found out what Nari did."

Wooyoung's eyes widened and he froze, "w — what did you find out?"

"Jonghoon, he told me everything. Everything that I, apparently, didn't know about Nari,"

"Wait, you met up with Jonghoon?" He pointed out.

"What? No, we just stumbled upon each other at the convenience store and then talked,"

"Oh," his shoulders slumped a little at what I said, "then what did he tell you?"

I cleared my throat and prepared myself to retell him what Jonghoon had told me. After that, Wooyoung didn't say a word but just looked at the ground with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"I don't know what to do, Wooyoung, I'm helpless at the moment. I never thought Nari would do or say something like that. Especially to me!" I said with my voice quivering at the end. I could feel the tears starting to weld up in my eyes.

"So the part where she said you weren't really her friend, were all the things that she has done for you all fake?"

I shook my head and let the tears fall. I didn't even try to hold them back, "I — I don't know. I wish I could say that they weren't but I just don't know."

I covered my eyes as the tears never stopped coming. I could hear Wooyoung coming to me, enveloping me in for a comforting hug, his head set atop on my head with his hand rubbing circles on my back. My arms automatically wrapped around his torso, my face muffled into his shirt, dampening it.

"You can always take your time and choose what's best for you. Whether it's to forgive Nari or not,"

"B — But I just can't break our friendship like this, she's like family to me,"

I felt Wooyoung sigh, "how about this, in order for you to decide, why don't we confront her. Does that sound like a good idea?"

"I — I don't know, I have a bad feeling about this,"

"Lets just see where this goes, I'll call her this weekend and we can schedule a place to meet up at,"

I pulled apart from Wooyoung and wiped my tears away, "wait, what day are you going to decide to do this on?"

"I'm thinking Sunday, why?"

"That's my birthday,"

Wooyoung rubbed the back of his neck, "then do you want me to do it on Saturday?"

"It's fine, my birthday is already ruined so I don't mind sorting this whole situation out on Sunday," I said with a slight frown.

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