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Nari and Jonghoon ran towards the entrance hand in hand with big smiles on their faces as they gave their tickets to the man behind the counter.

Meanwhile, Wooyoung and I walked side by side, awkwardly to where Nari and her boyfriend are standing and handed our tickets to the man as well. He gave us all a bracelet and we put them on.

"Enjoy," the man beamed at us.

Nari squealed and I noticed her squeezing Jonghoon's hand. I chuckled at his pained expression, "we most certainly will enjoy our time here, right Wooyoung?"

Wooyoung was too busy wandering his eyes around the area that he didn't hear Nari's question. So, I nudged him on the arm and got his attention, "Nari's asking you a question."

He hummed, "sorry, can you repeat that?"

Nari waved her hand, "it's fine, let's just go in and start playing."

I nodded. I was too caught up on seeing Nari holding hands with Jonghoon that it made me almost grab Wooyoung's hand and lead him inside as if we were a lovely couple like them. Luckily, I stopped myself. They're so cute together.

"Alright, what should we do first?" Nari asked, her eyes scanning at each of us.

The three of us shrugged at her question.

"How about we split up?" Jonghoon suggested.

Nari gasped with one of her finger held up and looked at me, "Yeah, Jonghoon and I could go enjoy ourselves together and you two do whatever you guys want."

"Does that sound fine?" Jonghoon asked us.

I looked over at Wooyoung and saw him nod his head, "Yeah, sure."

"Great, we can meet each other here in a couple of hours," Nari jumped excitingly.

"Okay, see y — "

I didn't get to finish what I was going to say because Nari already dashed off with Jonghoon in the opposite direction.

"Let's play that tossing game over there," Wooyoung says when we just stood there.

I followed where he was pointing at and nodded my head, "ok."

"Welcome, in order to play, it's either five dollars or show me your bracelet," the guy said.

We showed him our red bracelet and he handed us three balls, "Do you know how to play this?"

I shrugged, "I have no clue."

"How to play," the man behind the booth said, "you throw three balls at a target, if you knock down three targets in a row, you win. If you don't, you lose. It's simple."

Wooyoung and I nodded our head simultaneously, "okay, yeah, it does sound simple."

I was the first one to throw my balls at the targets. I did pretty well, throwing two balls and knocking two targets. But when I threw the last one, I missed pretty bad.

The man behind the booth pouted, "better luck next time."

Wooyoung got up and tossed the first ball in his hand, readying himself before cracking his neck and throwing the ball at his first target. He knocked it down. I clapped shortly, not wanting to celebrate too early just encase he misses.

For our luck, he knocked down the second target and I held back an outburst of excitement bottling inside of me.

The moment we were all been waiting for, Wooyoung held the last ball in his hand and squeezed it tightly before clenching his jaw and throwing it rather hard at one of the targets, sending it flying back, and knocked it down. The excitement rumbled outside of me and I pulled Wooyoung in for a hug.

"You did it, you did it, you did it!" I chanted as he hopped with me in my hold.

"Okay, pick a stuffed animal of your choice," the man says.

"I'll take the teddy bear with the pink bow please," Wooyoung says.

The man gave him the stuffed animal that he ordered and handed it to me, "what's this?"

"It's for you. I'm not much of a stuff animal myself so I thought giving it to you was the right think to do. Since you tried your hardest when you did your best to knock down your last target,"

I felt a blush creep up my cheeks, "thanks."

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