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"Hey, since you've never been at a fair before, we should ride on one of the rides here,"

Wooyoung raised a brow, "what ride do you recommend?"

"A Ferris wheel," I grinned widely.

"What's that?" He asked.

He's got to be joking, "a Ferris wheel, is one of those rides that is huge and slow and roma - I mean, fun to ride with someone. It wouldn't be the same enjoyment if you ride it alone."

"Sounds fun, I'm down," he cracks a smile.

I held the soft teddy bear tightly in my arms and bit back a smile when I saw his face twinkle.

The Ferris wheel wasn't far from where we were at. I saw a long line and groused at the thought of waiting too long.

"Looks like we have to wait a few minutes to get a seat," I said to him.

Wooyoung shrugs, "I can wait."

"We can always come back and find another ride to go on until the line gets shorter," I said, not wanting to wait here.

When I said that, Wooyoung pointed over his shoulder and saw more people standing behind us and I widened my eyes, "looks like we have no choice but to wait here."

I guess we don't. I sighed and did my best to be patient as I took my mind off of the hold-up by playing with the stuff animal.

I stopped playing with the toy when I heard giggling from behind me and I looked over to see a couple girls coming towards us - towards Wooyoung, I mean.

They didn't mind me and pushed me over to the side to stand next to Wooyoung with a flirtatious look.

"Hi, I'm Eunseo and this is my friend Gayoon," the black haired girl said.

"Yeah, we're here to ask for your number, if you don't mind giving it to us," Gayoon batted her eyelashes to him.


Wooyoung looked rather uncomfortable. He gave them a grin and shook his head, "I'm sorry but I'm with someone."

Eunseo turned in every direction and squinted her eyes as if she was looking for that someone he's mentioning, "where? I don't see her."

Wooyoung pushed them apart and stepped up to grab me by the wrist and pull me to his side, "I'm talking about her."

The two girls gave me a nasty look and scoffed, "but I can be better."

Wooyoung gave them one last shook of his head, "I don't think so."


"Good day, ladies," Wooyoung waved his hand and pulled us away from them, down to the line.

I looked up at Wooyoung and saw him clenching and unclenching his jaw as he stood there, face forward the line. It was our turn to get in the pod. I walked inside first and Wooyoung followed right behind. Once our door was closed, it took a minute before the Ferris wheel started moving.

Wooyoung and I sat there in silence.

"Why did you reject those girls?" I asked, starting the conversation.

Wooyoung perked his eyes up at me and raised a brow, "because they're only trying to get in my pants."

"They seemed like nice girls," I lied. I did my best not to have my face churn in distaste when I falsely described them.

Wooyoung scoffed, "oh please, I saw how the way you were looking at those girls. You're not fooling anyone," I gulped and kept quiet, "you're a really bad liar."

"Do you think Nari fell for my lie when I told her that you didn't scream last night?"

"No," Wooyoung says, "Nari's smarter than that. She's also smart enough not to question about it so I'm glad about that."

"Wooyoung," I sighed and clenched tightly on my teddy, "why won't you tell me what's going on with you? I know we've only known each other for a couple of days, but when you screamed last night, it undoubtedly scared me. I really need some answers so I can help."

Wooyoung brought his legs up so they were pressed against his chest and he wrapped himself in a ball, "I — I can't, I don't think i can retell my story myself but maybe I'll let Nari tell you."

I frowned deeply and pressed my back against my seat as I stared at the horizon, "the sun has set."

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