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Wooyoung was preparing dinner while I sat behind the coffee table, waiting for the food to arrive. I had my elbow propped up on the tabletop, cheek in palm, and my other hand tapping along the surface.

Every now and then, I would sneak a glance over at Wooyoung and watch him concentrating on cooking. Anybody else would see him as a normal person who seems like he has a great life, but Nari says otherwise. So what really happened to him?

That question keeps popping into my head every minute that goes by. I was so desperate to find out what happened to him but I didn't want to scare him away. It's best to take time and let his secret unfold little by little.

"Food's ready," Wooyoung announced, holding a steamy pot of noodles, placing it on top of the table.

He went to the kitchen and walked back with two bowls and placed one in front of me. I gave him a smile, "thanks."

He sat down across from me, "I hope you don't mind, I put eggs in the noodles."

The words eggs alone made my stomach churn in an uncomfortable way after eating a whole plate full of it this morning. But I didn't want to ruin the moment so I shook my head and gave him an 'ok' sign, "it's fine, I love eggs." Yeah, you love eggs but not at this time.

I picked up my chopsticks and slurped the noodles up once I had some in my bowl. Wooyoung didn't get any for himself and watched me eat, "is it good?"

I gave him a satisfied moan and nodded my head as I chewed, "it's great."

"I'm glad," he says getting himself a bowl of noodles as well and ate with me.

I was the first one to finish. I set the set of chopsticks down and, now, it's my turn to watch him eat. He was wearing a pretty low collared shirt that exposed his neck and bit of his chest. When he bent his head down to slurp the noodles, I caught a glimpse of a long scar on his collarbone. My brows creased at what I was seeing but I didn't get a long look when he straightened himself and fixed his shirt. I hope he didn't catch me staring at him.

"That was indeed good," he says wiping his mouth with a napkin and picking his bowl up. He reached over and grabbed my bowl as well and inserted the bowl in his, "I'll wash the dishes."

I grabbed his hand to stop him from getting up, "no, I'll wash the dishes. It's the least I can do since you made dinner."

"Okay," he sets the bowl down on the table, "then I'll get ready for bed."

I gave him a confused look, "it's only six, the sun is still out."

He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck, "I like to sleep early." There has to be something behind him sleeping so early.

"Oh, um, okay," I said.

Once he walked away, I had a bad feeling about this new roommate of mine. My eyes fixated on his every move to his bedroom. There's something going on with him, I could feel it. When I heard the door close, my thoughts turned blank and I started cleaning up the table.

roommate. wooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now