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Wooyoung and I exited the ride.

After our conversation in the pod, we grew uncomfortable around each other at the moment. I cursed to myself for ending up in a situation like this. It wasn't suppose to be intolerable, it was suppose to be enjoyable. But I had to ruin it. Like always.

I caught a glimpse of Nari with Jonghoon getting a snack with a bag full of prizes. I awed at the thought of Jonghoon doing his best to win Nari as many prizes he can get for her.

"I see Nari, we should head over to where she's at," I pointed at where they were at.

When the two of us got up to them, Nari slapped a corn dog in my hand and Wooyoung's, "so, are you guys enjoying yourselves?"

No, not really, if I'm being honest, I wanted to say but I nodded my head and smiled at what she asked us. I turned my gaze at Wooyoung and saw him doing the same thing.

"You guys look a little stiff," Nari creased her brows as she took a bite out of her corn dog, "what's going on with you two?"

"It's nothing, we just grew tired," I told her.

"But it seems like you guys barely did anything. Considering, you only have one prize. Is Wooyoung not winning you prizes because if he's too lazy, I will - "

I chuckled, "no, Wooyoung's fine, we rode on rides rather than play at the booths."

Nari nodded her head, "oh, ok."

"Besides, I'm grateful for this cute teddy bear so I don't need anything else for the night," I smiled adorably at the bear.

Nari awed at me, "how nice, you two seemed like you really had fun."

"I'd like to say that we can leave but there's going to be a firework show going on tonight," Jonghoon informed us.

"Oh, really? I didn't hear about this," Nari furrowed her brows in confusion.

"I overheard several people talking about it when we were riding in those kiddy rides," Jonghoon said.

I snorted and Nari whipped her head to me, "what? You know I can't ride anything scary, I'll pass out."

"Not even a Ferris wheel?"

"A small one, yeah, but not that one," Nari pointed at the ride that Wooyoung and I rode on.

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad, right, Wooyoung?" I asked but it seemed like he was deep in his thoughts.

"Wooyoung looks like he's tired, we should leave. We've done enough tonight anyways. I'm bummed out," Nari laughs and held up her bag of stuff animals.

"You're bummed out?" Jonghoon scoffs, "I did most of the work. You just stood there, yelling at me to win."

Nari held up her hand in surrender, "hey, yelling takes a lot of energy, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm worn out so leaving doesn't sound like a bad idea,"

We were about to leave when we saw that Wooyoung was still standing in his original spot.

I went to his side and reached my hand to snap him out of his thoughts when Nari stopped me from doing so, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"It happened to you too?"

She nodded, "yeah, it ended me up having a concussion."

Wow. "What do we do with him then?"

"Well, there ain't much to do because it seems like the firework show has just begun," Jonghoon announced and pointed up at the sky.

All three of us looked up and saw several fireworks explode before our eyes. I was in awestruck at what I was seeing and a bright smile shown up on my face.

"Hey, Wooyoung, do you see thi-"

I was hoping he was out of his trance right now. But when I looked back at him, he was turning in every direction while he was breathing hard as if he just ran a whole mile, panic plainly showing in his eyes.

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