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I got a small cone while Nari and Wooyoung got themselves a waffle cone. After Nari paid for our ice cream, we walked in the back of the ice cream shop and stood near one of the booths. I sat down in one side, my back facing everything that's behind me, and Nari sat down across from me.

Nari and I looked up at Wooyoung who stood there with his ice cream melting down the side of it's cone, thankfully a napkin helped him from getting it on his hand, as he looked between the two of us, trying to decide where he should sit.

"Wooyoung, we don't have all day, sit down," Nari says as she munched the side of her cone.

He cleared his throat, "sorry."

He chose to sit next to Nari, well at least tried to, but he only got pushed out of the seat. Nari shook her head, "and what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm trying to sit down, like what you want me to," Wooyoung furrowed his brows.

"Yeah but it's best if you sit next to Miyeon, don't you think?" Nari winked at him and then batted her eyelashes innocently as she licked her ice cream.

Wooyoung cleared his throat and turned his gaze over to me where I just sat there, also holding my ice cream cone as the ice cream melts down on the side. He gave me a quick smile and sat down next to me but made sure there was a wide gap in between the two of us.

Nari slapped her forehead and shook her head. Her hand sliding down the side of her face when she brought her head back up, "kids, I swear."

"How's Jonghoon doing? Ever since last night, is he holding up well himself?" I asked, starting a conversation from the awkward silence that lingered in the air as we ate our ice cream.

Nari hummed as she nodded her head, "yeah, he told me he got errands to do today so that's why I'm hanging out with you guys. I didn't want to stay alone in a house by myself when I know that I can enjoy this day with a couple of my favourite people in the world."

I smiled at what she said, "you're my favourite too."

"Hey, Wooyoung, can I try your Cookies N' Cream?" Nari asked.

"Your chocolate flavour doesn't taste right to you?" Wooyoung questioned.

"No, it does, I just wanted to try and see if your ice cream is good,"

"How about I'll let Miyeon try it and let her be your tastebud, hm?" Wooyoung grins at her.

My eyes widened at what he said and Nari raised a brow, "what?"

Since when was he this cocky? I thought to myself.

"Do you want to try my ice cream, Miyeon?" Wooyoung asked me.

"S - Sure," I stuttered, still surprise that he's acting so bold when not too long ago he was shy to sit next to me.

He brought his ice cream to my lips and held a napkin under my mouth just incase anything drops. When I took a bite, I chewed on it and hummed in satisfaction, "is it good?"

The taste gave me a joyful feeling and I nodded my head at his question, "it's terrific."

Wooyoung turned to Nari and bit off the area that I put my mouth in and shrugged a shoulder, "there's your answer. It's terrific."

Nari huffed at what Wooyoung said and continued eating her ice cream, "whatever, at least what I witnessed was cute so I'm not going to complain."

"You can try my Jamoca Almond Fudge ice cream if you want, Nari," I said and held my ice cream to her.

But before she could accepted my offer, Wooyoung grabbed my wrist and took a bite out of my ice cream.

Wooyoung chuckled and nodded his head in approval, "I think Miyeon's ice cream tops it all."

Nari reached over and smacked Wooyoung on the head, "try that one more time and you'll end up getting flicked on the forehead again."

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