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For the past couple of days up until my birthday, Wooyoung and I spent some more time together. The whole hangout made me forget about the stress that I had about Sunday.

All I could say is, it was nice.

Nice to have someone to take your mind off things.

But once it was Sunday, I was nervous. Nervous about what's going to happen. To Nari, to Wooyoung, and me. Basically to all three of us.

Wooyoung had called Nari to meet up at the coffee shop that's fifteen minutes away from the apartment complex. It was time for us to leave. I could feel my heartbeat quicken at how nervous I was feeling.

Feeling Wooyoung's hand on my back made me feel slightly calmer than I was. I looked up at him and he gave me a reassuring smile. We walked down to his vehicle and entered it, buckling up before we took off.

The coffee shop had tables outside and in one of those tables sat Nari, alone, waiting for our arrival.

Wooyoung parked the car at the nearest spot and we got out. Nari heard the door slam closed and she looked up and had her gaze on us.

Her aura, it was different.

She didn't smile or wave her hand at us. She just followed her gaze on us as Wooyoung and I sat down next to each other, in front of her.

"Happy Birthday," Nari acknowledged, "I was going to text you a wishful message but I thought you didn't want to receive anything from me at the moment."


Nari turned her gaze to Wooyoung, "Wooyoung, about what happened the day you picked me up from the hospital, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to burst out like that to you. I regret every word that came out of my mouth that had hurt you in every way."

I furrowed my brows at what she said and turned to Wooyoung, "what did she mean by that?"

"What, he didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

Nari nodded her head and snorted, "I figured he didn't tell you."

"Wooyoung, what is she saying?"

But Wooyoung only kept quiet.

Nari sighed, "it's in the past, Miyeon, there's no use to bring it up now. I apologised to Wooyoung and I'm just waiting for his forgiveness."

"What, no, Wooyoung doesn't need to forgive you," I said with a hard look, "I don't even know if I want to forgive you for the things you've done to me behind my back."

"What are you talking about?" Nari asked with a confused look.


Nari held up a finger, "w — wait, you met up with my ex-boyfriend?"

"Accidentally, yes,"

"Was he with that girl he cheated on me with?" She gritted her teeth.

"No, it was only him,"

"What did he say about me?"

"That you were clingy and too controlling,"

Nari's jaw dropped and furrowed her brows tighter, "that's bull, he's barely with me to even have an opinion about me!"

"He even said that he came to your house one day to find you completely wasted. You mistaken him to be Wooyoung and almost kissed him!"

"Miyeon, I promise you, I've never been drinking to the point I was drunk. That's until I found out he cheated on me. I've never done that!"

"And also, what pisses me off is that you wasted our friendship,"

"I would never — "

It was my turn to hold up a finger, "Jonghoon, he told me that you said that I wasn't 'really' your friend and that if you two weren't dating and I wasn't trying to hook up with Wooyoung, you two would look together."

Nari slammed her hands on top of the tabletop, causing Wooyoung to flinch at the ruckus, "Miyeon, you have to trust me, I've never done that. I've never been wasted when I was together with Jonghoon. Ever. Whatever he said to you, he's lying!"

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