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The following morning came and both Wooyoung and I decided to head to the store before we went to the hospital.

"She'd definitely like this," I smiled at the bouquet of different flowers. I smelled it and let out a sigh.

"Definitely," Wooyoung says.

Wooyoung bought it. After that, we hurriedly went to his car and started making our way to the hospital. We got there just in time for it to be noon and skedaddle our way to the front desk. We told Nari's name and we received an okay signal to go.

"Woah there, what's all the rush?"

The familiar voice had us halt in our steps. I turned my head to the person and saw the doctor from last night with wide eyes.

"Where's my friend's room again?"

"It's down the hall, turn the corner, and it'll be on your right," he says.

"Thank you," I sped off.

I could hear the doctor telling us to stop running but I didn't pay no attention to him. I could even hear Wooyoung behind me.

The recognisable area made me aware of where I am. I remembered where her room is and I waited for Wooyoung to come stand by me before I knocked on her door. When he finally was next to me, I gently knocked on the door three times before I heard Nari's voice telling us to come in.

I opened the door and put on a wide smile when I saw her laying on the hospital bed.

"Hey," she says.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Like shit but I could manage," she chuckles but it suddenly fell.

"Here, this is for you," I handed her the bouquet of flowers.

"Thanks, they're beautiful," she took them from my hands and sniffed the flowers.

"I knew you would like it," I winked at her.

She laughs and set them down on the counter table next to the hospital bed, "how'd you guys know — "

"We came to check up on you yesterday and saw you laying on your kitchen floor,"

She looks down, "oh."

I sat on the edge of her bed, "Nari, what happened yesterday?"

She glanced up and looked at me and then turned her eyes to Wooyoung and then back at me. She did it over and over again until an insincere smile appeared on her face.

"So, you and Wooyoung, huh?" She asked completely ignoring my question.

"Nari," I said.

She sighs and brought her legs to her chest and set her chin atop of her knees, "I found out Jonghoon cheated on me with another girl from his work."

I gulped, "is that why you haven't contacted me?"

She slowly nods her head, "I was literally binge drinking again."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I frowned.

"You don't need to apologise. When I leave out of here, I'm going to find someone else to take his place," she shrugs.

"You don't have to say it like that,"

She was biting her bottom lip continuously, trying not to cry in front of us but she broke down a couple seconds later. She was crying with her fingers rubbing at her eyes, wiping the tears away as they fell.

"God, I just loved him so much. He was such a sweet guy. I don't know what went wrong," she sniffles.

"Well, we'll always be here whenever you need us," I gave her a small smile.

Nari looked up at Wooyoung, "let this be a lesson for you, Wooyoung, you should never cheat on your girlfriend. Because she'll turn out like a mess like me."

The corner of Wooyoung's mouth went up as he nodded his head, "noted."

Nari clears her throat and looks at the digital clock that was next to her, "it was great to see you guys again after all these days. Thanks again for checking up on me and for buying me the bouquet flowers, I appreciate it. But it's time for me to drink some water."

"Before we leave, do you think you can discharge from here?"

She was thinking about it for a minute, "I think, I feel pretty well to do so."

"If you are, call Wooyoung, so he can pick you up,"

Nari looks at Wooyoung one more time and smiled, "will do."

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