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My phone started ringing and I ran over to it to see Nari's contact picture pop up on my screen. I pressed on the green button and put the phone to my ear.


"Morning, I had to call and tell you that the guy that came over yesterday is coming to move in," she says.

I swear, she's full of surprises. I looked down at my unimpressive choice of clothes and sighed, "okay, I'll get ready."

"Before we hang up, I apologise for not telling you that my friend is a guy. But he's great. He's very respectful. I do have to warn you about him at night though," Nari said over the phone.

I was intrigued, "and what's that?"

"He has a condition where — "

Nari was cut off when I heard a knock on the door. Are you kidding me? Already?

"Sorry Nari, it seems like your friend — my roommate — has already arrived," I told her.

"That was fast," Nari said surprisingly.

"I'll call you later," I said before I hung up.

I put my phone on the kitchen counter and opened the door. My mouth extended in a smile when I saw my roommate and his belongings. He wasn't kidding when he said he only had two suitcases.

"You came early," I chuckled.

"Yeah, sorry if that bothers you," he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh no, it's fine, it's totally alright, when you said you'd move in tomorrow — I mean, today — I didn't expect you to come so early. I thought you'd come this evening,"

"I had to move out of my house because I couldn't stand living alone. So, I moved in with Nari for a little bit but she wasn't looking for a roommate so — "

"So that's where I come in the picture," I finished what he was going to say.

He slowly nodded his head, "when I heard that you were looking for a roommate, I couldn't help but move in immediately. I needed somewhere to live with someone because I can't stand being in a house, a huge one, alone."

"Who's house was it that you moved out of before you moved in with Nari?"

"My parents," he answered.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to them?"

"They both died," he said, looking down at the ground as he answered my question.

I shouldn't be asking such a personal question, I thought to myself. I mentally cursed at myself for making a terrible first impression and cleared my throat.

"You can go to your room and start unpacking," I spoke up before it got awkward, changing the topic.

He nodded his head and went to his room with his suitcases, closing the door behind him, never looking up from the ground. I hope I didn't hit a sensitive button. I chewed on my fingernail and took note not to do that again.

I sat in the living room couch for a while, staring at the blank television screen, feeling the guilt wash over me. I didn't mean to remind him of his parents' death. I ran a hand through my hair and let out a groan. Then a thought popped up in my head: I should make him breakfast. It's pretty early so I doubt he had anything to eat.

While I was cooking, the guy came out of his room, "I have errands to do. So, I'm going to head out now."

"Would you like something to eat before you go?"

He shook his head, "no, thank you, I'll buy myself something to eat while I'm out."

"Oh, ok," I said with the smile that was on my face began to falter a bit.

He walked out of the door, leaving me with a plate full of eggs while I was cooking bacon in the pan. I guess I'm eating all of this alone.

roommate. wooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now