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The day flies by when you don't do anything. My alarm went off to inform me that I need to get ready for the fair. I already had my clothes picked out so all I needed was a quick shower.

"Wooyoung, I'm going to take a shower," I told him, who was sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Ok," I heard him answer back.

I went inside the bathroom and turned the knob for warm water to run out. I pulled up a lever so that the shower head sprung out water. I stripped out of my clothes and got in the bathtub.

I tied my hair with a towel and put on my robe before walking out and heading to my room. I started getting ready and finished it off with chapstick.

When I exited my bedroom, I heard the water run in the bathroom, thinking that Wooyoung must've jumped in the shower as well. While I was waiting for him to finish, I entered the kitchen and grabbed a banana to eat for a little snack.

I plumped down on the couch in the living room and flipped through the channels. I swear, there's nothing to watch these days. I sighed and picked a random to watch.

Right when I popped the last piece of the banana in my mouth, the bathroom door swung open and out came a Wooyoung with a towel wrapped around his waist dangerously low and another towel hiding his torso. I choked on the fruit and started pounding my chest to calm myself down.

"Are you okay?" He pried around the corner of the hallway.

I hope so. I nodded my head at his question, "yeah, the banana just went down the wrong pipe."

Wooyoung nodded, "oh ok."

He disappeared from my sight and I let out a relieved sigh. I could feel my face heating up at the image of him with only a towel. I touched my cheek with the tip of my fingers and then slapped myself on the face for thinking such a thing.

"I need some water," I said to myself and got up from the couch to pour myself a glass of water.

After gulping all the liquid down, I let out a satisfied noise and nodded my head. Better. I went to my room and got on my phone to see several texts from Nari.

Nari - Are guys getting ready?

Nari - Jonghoon had already finished getting ready so we're about to pick you guys up.

Nari - You're not answering my texts.

Nari - I swear to God, Miyeon, I'm going to slap you on the face if you're sleeping right now.

The last text she sent me was from five minutes ago. So, they're probably on their way right now. I checked the percentage of my phone and saw that it was at fifteen percent. I groaned and decided not to bring the device with me and leave it charging on my desk.

I walked out of my bedroom the same time as Wooyoung.

"Are you ready to go? Nari texted me, saying you're not answering her messages," he chuckles.

"Yes, I've been ready. Besides, I don't need to text her, I'm just going to wait for her to come pick us u — "

"Miyeon!" I heard my name being shouted outside of the apartment door.

"Just in time," Wooyoung says.

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