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About a couple weeks ago, I told a friend of mine that I needed a roommate to help me pay the rent for my apartment. Now, a couple days ago, she texted me that a person that she's close with was looking for a place after they moved out of the house that they used to live in. After hearing the news, I was excited to finally get a roommate. Living alone was boring and I thought having someone to accompany me sounded not too bad.

It was just today that I got another text from the friend of mine that said the person was coming over to check my apartment out. My eyes widened at what I read and I looked around the area and saw how dirty it looked. Talk about bad timing. My phone buzzed and another message was sent from my friend. I opened it and read it in my head: my friend is coming over at five. I checked the time and saw it was four-fifteen.

I threw my phone on the couch and started cleaning everything up. From picking clothes off the ground to dusting the shelves, I did it all in a hurry.

It seemed like time flew by so quickly, I heard a hard knock on the front door. My head snapped up to the direction and started chewing on my lips as I made my way to the door.

I unlocked the door and opened it to reveal a guy. I was shocked to see a guy standing right in front of me. I hoped it was a girl but I wasn't complaining.

I smiled at him and opened the door wide enough for him to walk in, "hello, welcome."

He gave me a nod as he passed by me and wandered his eyes around the apartment, "Nari told me about this place. That you're looking for a roommate, am I wrong?"

I closed the door, "no, I've been looking for a roommate. It's just that you're the first person to come in so I'm a bit surprised."

"Sorry for coming unannounced, I just needed to find a place to live as soon as possible," he says.

I shook my head, "it's fine. Actually, Nari told me that you were coming to stop by and check my place out."

He nodded his head, "that's good."

"Please, take your time and look around," I said extending my hand to the living room.

There wasn't much to look around. The living room and kitchen joined together and then there were two bedrooms that faced each other with one bathroom in the middle. Luckily, the bathroom was pretty big, almost like a master's bathroom.

The guy checked out the room that he would sleep in if he decided to live here and nodded his head approvingly, "I actually like the look of this place. Plus the room looks very spacious."

I gleamed, "that's great to hear."

"I might move in here tomorrow,"

"Oh, really?" I didn't think he would move in immediately. But then again, he did say he was looking for a place to live in as soon as possible.

"Yes," he nodded his head, "if you don't mind."

I softly chuckled and instantly shook my head, "I'm fine with it."

"Besides, I don't have much stuff to bring in. Only a couple suitcase so there wouldn't be much cramming," he flashed me a smile.

Thank goodness he's not a hogger, I thought.

"Ok," I said, following him to the door, "then I'll see you tomorrow."

roommate. wooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now