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I snapped my eyes open when I felt something tickling my head. Then, I came across an old fainted scar on a chest and realised that it was Wooyoung. I noticed he was stroking my hair with his fingers and I felt at ease. I moved closer to him and felt his fingers disappear from my head.

"You're awake?" He asked with a morning voice.

"Barely," I grumbled out and nuzzled my face in his chest. He's so warm.

I brought a finger up and placed it on the scar that was on his collarbone — the scar that I discovered first when we ate the noodle the other day.

"You really don't have to worry about me. I had to endure all of this by myself for three years after my parents died. It wasn't even that long since my parents died that I met Nari. Unlike you, Nari had to be concerned about me for a year before she found out what happened to me,"

"How did she handle it?"

"She's like an older sister that I never had. When she found out, she wouldn't stop worrying about me and was always there for me when I needed her,"

"Is that why you didn't want me to tell her you screamed at night the first time you slept here?" I asked.

"Yeah because she wouldn't stop bothering me if you told her. We probably wouldn't even had gone to that fair," I felt his chest shake as he chuckles.

"Yeah, Nari is a caring person. I don't blame her for not leaving your side when you're going through so much. I mean, I wouldn't leave your side until I know you feel better," I said.

I felt his arms wrap around me in a warm embrace, "I know."

We were in the same position — arms wrapped around each other and legs tangled on one another — for a good while until someone knocked on the apartment door.

"Do you think that's Nari?" Wooyoung asked.

"One way to find out," I sighed and pulled away from the hug to get up off the bed and walked to the door.

When I opened it, I saw Nari with a small smile, holding a bag of food and a carton of drinks.

"Is he doing alright?" She asked.

I nodded my head, "Yeah, he's fine now."

"Great, I bought you guys food and drinks," she says and entered.

I closed the door, "you didn't have to do that."

"No, it's the least I can do for, you know, Wooyoung. Plus, I wanted an excuse to come and stop by," she smiles.

"You could've just said you were stopping by to check up on him after what happened last night. That's a pretty good excuse," I said to her.

She gave me a look, "can I not be extra for once?"

I held up my hand in surrender, "my bad."

"Wooyoung, I got you food!" Nari calls out.

Wooyoung came out of his room with only just his pants and a bottle of pills in one hand. I pointed at it, "what's that?"

Wooyoung held it up to his face then showed it to me, "they're pills that I have to take."

Was that what he was hiding from me on the first day?

"Did you forget to take it yesterday evening before we left to go to the fair?" Nari asked.

"I probably did,"

Nari flicked him on the head, "idiot."

Wooyoung hissed in pain and rubbed the area where he got flicked on, "I didn't meant to forget. You think I would've done that on purpose?"

"Whatever, just take your pill and then eat before your food gets cold," Nari says.

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