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I had to get back to the apartment before Nari ends up making me too drunk to drive back.

Although I felt a little heated, I was still conscious around my surroundings.

I checked the time: 8:20.

I made it just in time for the rain to start pouring.

And it was pouring hard.

I made it inside the building with a few wet spots on my clothes and went up the elevator to my floor.

I stood in front of the door and knocked on it. From the quietness that surrounded the floor of the apartment, I could hear Wooyoung shuffling to the door. Then the lock clicked and we stood face to face when the door opened.

His lips formed in a smile when he saw me standing in front of him. I returned his smile.

"Where'd you go?" He asked as he closed the door when I came in.

I set my keys down on the counter, "I went to Nari's place, why? Did something happen?"

He shook his head, "no, I was only asking because I woke up and couldn't find you anywhere."

I gave him an apologetic look, "sorry for not leaving a note, I hope I didn't worry you."

He waved it off and shook his head, "oh no, you didn't."

I nodded at his words, "alright, good. Well, I got a question to ask you."

"And what's that?"

"Do you like music?" I asked him.

"That depends what's playing," he says and then continued, "I like soothing, instrumental music and not those loud and rowdy ones."

"I would've guessed that but I wanted to make sure,"

"Why do you ask?"

"Oh," I cleared my throat and held up a finger for him to wait.

I scurried over to my room and trashed everything that was all organised just to look for one thing.

My speakers.

I slammed my closet doors open and rummaged through the filth that was inside and found it inside of a store bag.

I ran back to Wooyoung and set the speakers on the coffee table and sat down on the couch.

"I was planning to play whatever music you preferred on here because I remembered that there's going to be a storm happening tonight," I told him, "it's already raining."

Wooyoung kept quiet for a second and then nodded his head, "I could hear the rain hitting the window."

I got up to grab my phone, that's been sitting on the bar all day, and went to an app where I can play any music for free.

"I remember you don't like loud noises and thunders are pretty loud. Even I don't like them. I tend to play music to drain out the sound and it eases the mood. I hope it calms you down as it calms me down. Ever tried listening to your type of music when you're stressed out?"

His lips went in a straight line, "no, I never thought about doing that."

"Would you like to try it?"

He smiled and nodded his head.

I sat down on the couch and started connecting my phone to the speaker. When a loud beep was heard, showing that my phone has connected, Wooyoung sat down next to me and leaned back. I leaned back as well when I found a perfect one-hour long instrumental video and sighed in comfort.

The first thunder roared from outside. I could feel Wooyoung tense right next to me at the loud ruckus.

I adverted my gaze at him, "do you want me to turn it up for you?"

He only nodded for an answer and I did just that.

Even though it was at a high volume, the music was supportive to block out the thunder. I could feel Wooyoung feeling less tense next to me.

"Was your nap good today?" I started.

"Very," he answered, "I don't feel sleepy at the moment. I hope I didn't make a mistake for sleeping early because I can tell I'll be up all night."

I chuckled, "I wish I can say the same thing but I feel exhausted."

"Do you," his voice faded away. I saw him rubbing the back of his neck when he stopped talking.

"Do you what?"

"Do you want to lay down?" He questioned, not looking at me. I could see his cheeks turning red.

I shook my head, "I'm fine, I don't need to head to my room yet. I can probably stay up for a couple more hours with you."

"I meant — I mean, do you want to lay your head down on my lap?"

I didn't expect him to ask me that but I didn't think twice when I laid my head down on his lap. I had my eyes closed when I situated my whole body on the couch. I could feel Wooyoung playing with my hair a few seconds later. The feeling of him fingering the scalp of my head made me even more sleepy.

And just like that, I fell asleep at the touch of his hand.

an author's note to all the readers that helped getting this book to 10K reads and 1K votes. thank you. i very much appreciate it. <3

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