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The sunlight shined on my eyelid, alarming me to wake up in a stretch. I fluttered my eyes open and rubbed them, waiting for my vision to adjust to my surroundings. When I breathed into my surroundings, I noticed that I wasn't in my room.

A low groan made my ears twitch and I turned my head to where the noise came from and widened my eyes. There, Wooyoung, was sleeping with an arm under his head as a pillow. Then I remembered what happened last night:

"But can you sleep with me?"

My face was painted with red when he asked me that question, "I - I - "

He noticed the way I was acting and shook his head, "it's not what you think," he brought a hand to the back of his head and awkwardly started scratching, "it's just that, I don't sleep well alone at night."

I couldn't deny him. It seemed like he was desperate for someone to be next to him. To comfort him.

I gave him a nod, "okay but only to aid you."

He gave me a small, pursed smile as I crawled my over to him on his bed and laid down.

We laid there, silence lingering in the air. I shifted on the bed uncomfortably when we both just laid there.

Wooyoung must've felt my discomfort and propped himself on his elbow to look at me, "you really don't have to do this."

I shook my head at him, "it's fine, I'll get used to it."

He rested his back on the bed once again and cleared his throat.

Wooyoung's bedroom light was still on, making it hard for me to fall asleep since I sleep easier with the lights off. But eventually, I found myself consuming in the quiet room as my eyes starts to close.

It was barely four in the morning when I found myself waking up by a hand gripping mine rather tightly. I picked up my occupied hand and saw Wooyoung's long fingers enveloped with mine in a harsh grip.

I hissed at the feeling that if he gripped me any tighter, he could cut my circulation off. I was about to shake him but remembered what happened last night while we were toothbrushing our teeth and found myself retrieving my free hand away from him.

"W — Wooyoung?" I whispered.

He didn't answer. Instead he moved in his sleep, nuzzling his face against the pillow and started mumbling words that were inaudible.

"Wooyoung, you're gripping my hand too tight," I whispered again.

He was still asleep when he loosened his grip on me, hand still enclosed with mine. I sighed and stared at the ceiling. Then, I went back to sleep with the warmth of his palm giving me the comfort that I didn't need.

Then here we are.

I slowly made my out of his bed and into the kitchen to cook some breakfast for the two of us.

It was about time he woke up when I got the plates settled with food.

He walked in the kitchen, fingers rubbing his eyes, and his brown hair was tousled in a mess. He looked cute. I cleared my throat at the thought and shook my head. What am I thinking?

"Morning," he said with a gruff voice.

"Morning, I made breakfast for us," I said as I handed him his plate.

He inhaled in his food and beamed, "thanks."

He walked over to the coffee table in the living room and ate there. I was about to join him but a knock interrupted me from doing so. I furrowed my brows and wondered who it was. I opened the door and saw Nari with a stretched smile.

"I have to tell you and Wooyoung something,"

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