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I didn't question him. I grabbed the towel from his hand and sat down next to him on the couch before wiping the paint off his face. As I'm cleaning his face up, I was aware that he kept looking at me. Every second that goes by, and his eyes glued on me, I felt strained.

Please stop looking at me. I wanted to say. His gaze bored a hole on my forehead and I wanted to hide behind my hands. Was there paint still left on my face?

"Hey, Wooyoung," I started with a clear of my throat, "I want to ask you something."

I adverted my gaze so that our eyes met and saw one of his brows raised, "what is it?"

My cheeks flushed, "i — it's about the — "

"Kiss?" He interrupted me by finishing my sentence.

Suddenly, I felt the tension in the air to rise and I quickly shook my head, changing the topic, "how about your work? I never did get to look at it."

"Oh, I put it up, along with yours, but I'll take it out for you," he says.

I nodded my head with a smile, "that would be great."

He was about to get up, halting in his movement and pointed at my hand that was holding the stained towel, "are you done?"

I nodded my head once again, "yeah."

When he got up, I did as well to throw the dirty towel in the laundry basket. We met up back on the couch with Wooyoung holding his canvas. He scooted closer to me as he handed me the canvas. His arm touching me when he does so.

I glanced at his painting and stared at it in awe. I looked back and forth to Wooyoung and his painting and was scared at how well he painted.

"Wow, you must've been very good at painting the last time you did it because you picked up at a great start," I complimented.

"Like I said, yours wasn't bad either," Wooyoung said.

I rolled my eyes, "what are you talking about? Mine is just a big blotch of brown paint with two dots for an eye and a smile."

He snickered, "don't forget about the blue paint."

I playfully hit him on the arm, "quit it."

"Alright, here, I'm going to put this up so we can get to the colouring books," Wooyoung says.

I gave him back his canvas and watched him put it in the storage closet that's by the front door. When he was coming back, I checked what time it was and saw that it was almost noon.

"Time is going by pretty fast," I blurted out.

I sat down behind the coffee table and Wooyoung joined by sitting next to me.

"It sure is," he says.

We were both facing the television, which the channel was turned to the news.

While Wooyoung gathered all four colouring books out of the plastic bag, he spread them out on the table and took out two boxes of coloured pencils. I was too focused watching the news that I didn't know notice was waiting for me. When I took too long, he lightly nudged me on the arm and it snapped me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head, "sorry, I was listening about the weather for the next few days. Did you hear that we're going to have thunderstorms tonight?"

It was silent after I asked my question. I turned my head over to Wooyoung and saw him frozen, his face pale as ever.

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