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After we ordered our food, I cleared my throat and felt a little off, I moved around in my seat quite often, causing Wooyoung to look at me oddly every time.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his eyebrows knitted in concern.

I let out a laugh to lighten up the atmosphere around us and I nodded my head. I held up a finger, "I just need to head to the lady's room really quick."

I gathered my phone and my wallet and went to the bathroom. Once I entered in there, I set my phone on the pearly, white surface of the sink and opened my wallet. I took out the money that I had in there and counted it. My eyes went wide along with my face turning pale.

I'm short of money.

I cursed to myself. I shouldn't have picked a very expensive place to eat. I should've known that I didn't have that much money to eat these kinds of exquisite meals. For someone who has quit their job not too long ago, I shouldn't be too careless to eat something that was over the limit.

I let out a disappointed sigh and picked my phone up before walking out of the bathroom and sat back down in my seat.

"Are you not feeling well? Look, we don't have to eat here, I'm always up to eat homemade meals," Wooyoung says.

I shook my head, "it's fine. I mean, I'm fine. I just need the waiter."

Wooyoung's eyebrows shot up and he leans back. He wandered his eyes around the place until they landed on our waiter. He raised his hand and called out, 'excuse me' and got his attention. In a short moment, our waiter walked towards us and smiled.

"Did you need something?"

My face turned red, I opened my mouth to try and put words together and make it look less of an embarrassment than it already is, "do you think it's too late to change my order?"

The waiter rubs the back of his neck, it probably is.

Before he could say a word, I leaned back in my chair and held up a hand to stop him from saying anything, "never mind."

The waiter bowed and walked away.

"Why did you ask about your food? Is there a problem?"

Again, I shook my head and smiled at the situation. Lying to him only made me feel worst. My heart sped up and I felt more uncomfortable. Not having enough money was the big issue here and I didn't want to tell him that. I believe if I mentioned about not having enough money would totally ruin the mood.

And I didn't want that.

This was our first time eating out together. Alone. And I didn't want to end up creating a terrible moment. But of course, I would always find a way to ruin it. Just thinking about it caused my leg to start shaking nervously.

"Did I mention you — "

"I'm broke!" I blurted out rather too loudly, having everyone stop eating and turn their heads over to us. I slapped a hand over my mouth and cowardly lower myself in my seat as stares burned through my head.

"What?" Wooyoung asked shockingly.

When I noticed that everyone went back to minding their own business, I fixed myself and sat straight, letting out a sigh with my hands pressed against my cheeks.

"After we ordered our meal, I went to the bathroom and checked to see if I had enough money for what I was getting and noticed that I was short of money. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to ruin this moment, you know? This is a special night for the two of us and, I, who always mess things up, ordered a dish that is over my money's worth,"

I hung my head in shame and waited for Wooyoung to get up and leave but, instead, my ears twitched and I heard a snort coming out of him.

I snapped my head back up and saw him containing in his laugh, "I thought it was something worst."

I tilted my head and furrowed my brows in confusion, "what?"

"You don't have to worry, I'll pay for our food,"

I suddenly felt guilty, "no, you don't have to do that."

"But I want to,"

I shook my head in stubbornness, "I don't want you to."

"Fine, if you don't want me to pay for your food, how else are you going to pay with your shortage of money?" He raised a brow.

He has a point and I hung my head in defeat.

When we got our meals set in front of us I took out my fork and started playing with my food. On the other hand, Wooyoung was enjoying his food. He cut half of his steak in half and used one side to cut them into tiny bite sizes and started eating.

"Miyeon, stop playing with your food and eat, I really don't mind paying for your food, it's not going to hurt me to spend a little more money," he says as he chews his steak.

"Thank you," I flashed him a thankful smile and slowly ate my food.

He watched me as I slurped a piece of noodle, "how is it."

"It's really good,"

He chuckles, "that's good, enjoy your meal."

By the end, we ended up not finishing our food so we decided to take it to go. We got up from our seat and started heading our way outside. Before we could make it to our personal car, I grabbed Wooyoung by his shirt and stopped him from walking any further. I felt him tense under my touch and I let go of him. He turns around faced me.

"I don't know how to repay you for buying my dinner,"

He smiles and hum as he taps his chin for what I thought was the longest thinking process I've ever witnessed until he held up a finger to signalise that he has an idea, "how about a kiss."

"A — A kiss?"

He tapped on his cheek cutely, "here."

Of course, his cheek, duh, where else?

I bit my lip and slowly leaned myself towards where he wanted my lips to be and closed my eyes. For a slip second, his cheeks felt rather warm. Then, I was surprised because they were moving. When I opened them, my eyes bugged out when I saw that my lips was not where he said it wanted to be. Instead, they were connected with his lips.

In the moment, I wanted to pull away but I also didn't want to. I was about to choose the first option when I felt Wooyoung's hand come behind my neck and deepened the kiss, making my knees buckle and legs feel jelly.

I clutched the white box in my hand tightly along with the bouquet of roses, in my other hand, as the cold breeze of the nigh flew through us.

hi everyone , here's a new chapter , i hope you liked it . sorry , so sorry , for the long wait for the next update (this update) . i know i said i was going to publish this chapter last weekend but something came up because of school but now i published it ! WOOP WOOP !

this was a long chapter so sorry if it was boring and i also apologise for bringing out the cheesy wooyoung at the end . lol . you can honestly tell that he really cares for miyeon and vice versa .

anyways , catch you on the next update !


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