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Days after days, Wooyoung took care of me when my headache didn't get any better.

I was thankful for him for being there.

He took his pills at the same time as I took my medicine. Which he bought extra just incase I needed it.

I felt bad that he's constantly on his feet because of me. I was planning to give him a thank-you surprise when I get better by taking him out to eat somewhere.

I thought we deserved to go out together besides staying inside the apartment for the past few days. And having Nari over. We needed it.

Although we're not in a relationship, I wouldn't consider it as a date. Only a friendly hangout.

Wednesday morning rolled by and I felt a bit better than the other days. Wooyoung always woke up first when I felt too ill to get out of bed. But since I'm feeling healthy again, I was the one who woke up first.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, the room was dimly lit from the sun shining through the blinds. The sound of a faint piano playing from the stereo made my ears twitch. I almost forgot that I put on music before we went to sleep last night. It helped Wooyoung whenever he sleeps.

And I was glad it was helping him.

I looked over my shoulder and saw him still asleep. Peacefully.

It brought a smile on my face.

I got up and stretched my arms above my head, feeling better than ever. I walked out of his bedroom and closed his door gently behind me. Then, I stood there, staring at my bedroom door.

I don't know when it was the last time I slept in there.

I decided to head inside and see all of my belongings are still in the same place. I didn't know why but my room felt cold than it is in Wooyoung's room.

I shook my head and strolled over to the bathroom and brush my teeth and wash my face.

When I was done, I went to the kitchen and took my medicine for the last time. I took out a bag of grapes and grabbed several of them and put it in a bowl. I washed the grapes and poured the water out before eating it.

I heard footsteps dragging along the wooden floor and saw Wooyoung coming out of his room with a tired look. He was rubbing his eyes followed by a yawn.

"Good morning," he said.

I gave him a warm smile, "good morning."

"Did you sleep well?" He asked and sat in one of the chairs behind the bar.

I nodded my head at his question, "yep."

He cracked a smile and softly chuckled, "you sound better too."

"I'm glad," I let out a sigh, "I almost had it for laying in bed all day."

"Does that mean I have to stop cooking for you now?" He jokingly said with a pout.

I snorted and then cleared my throat, "about that, I want to thank you for looking out for me."

His lips curved upward in a teasing way, "it wasn't too bad. If you ask me, I quite enjoyed playing doctor," he winked at me.

My face flushed, he's so knowingly flirtatious.

I cleared my throat and pushed the bowl of grapes to the side and leaned forward. My elbows propped on the countertop and set my chin on the palm of my hands, "lucky for you, I didn't really complain that much so you had it easy."

"Actually, you complained so much, you gave me a permanent headache," he dramatically groans and pressed a hand on the back of his head.

I snorted and rolled my eyes, "yeah right, the only time I complained was when I felt dizzy and I couldn't move."

"That was like, all the time,"


Wooyoung chuckled and shook his head, holding up a hand, "I'm just kidding."

When it started getting quiet, I took this chance to create a new conversation, "also, Wooyoung?"


With deep breath, I asked, "want to go out tonight?"

He raised a brow, "like a date?"

I almost choked at what he said, "w - well, I - "

He shook his head, "forget what I said. To answer your question, I don't mind."


Terrible news, I haven't planned this whole thing out yet. Even though I had a plan of planning this before I got better but I was too sick to do anything.

Darn my procrastination. I have so much work to do to make tonight great.

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