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"Well, I don't know who to trust. And as for you, you certainly have lost my trust,"

"W — What are you trying to say?"

"This is over," I said pointing at the both of us, "I don't even want to see your face anymore."

"So, you're just going to end it just like that?"

"I did, didn't I?" I raised a brow.

Nari kept quiet. She glanced down at the ground while Wooyoung and I got up from our chairs to head back to his vehicle. Once I had my hand on the handle of the passenger door, I was turned around by a great force and saw Nari with desperate eyes.

"Please, Miyeon, you can't leave me like this. I don't want to lose you too. I've had people leave me in the past to never seeing them again. I don't want us to go through that. Please, just forgive me!"

I pushed her back, causing her to stumble several steps away, "let go of me, can't you see, Nari, you're the reason why we're not friends anymore."

"Let me change, please, I can change. I will change for you," she cried.

I thought about it for a second and looked at her pleading eyes as I do so. Everything that's happened, I can't seem to imagine our friendship being the same if I do forgive her. So, I just shook my head, "no, I'm sorry, I just can't."

I was about to enter inside the car when Nari clutched onto the collar of my hoodie and threw me to the side. I yelped and fell down on the ground, hard. I groaned and got back up to only be face-to-face with Nari's psychotic eyes.

"You know, I tried to be the best of friend that you can ever have, trying to get you and Wooyoung together. Yes, I mistakenly tried to get with him the same day he picked me up from the hospital but he rejected me. The rejection is what caused me to rage, saying things that I shouldn't have said to him, I regretted it when I got home and realised what I had done. That's why I came here, to sort things out, not to make things worst than it already is but you won't give me another chance," she clenched her teeth.

I slapped her hands off of me, "so the cause of Wooyoung's episode that night wasn't because he was worried about you, it was because you said some things that had triggered it."

"Wait, Wooyoung had an episode?"

"Yes, he wouldn't tell me what caused it but now that I know, I'm certain enough that I shouldn't change my decision,"

"Like I said, Miyeon, I'm sorry, I really am!" She repeated herself.

"Apologising after attacking me, you're crazy, I'm done here,"

Nari balled her hands, "if you're going to be that way, fine, then I guess I'll just have to show you how truly crazy I am."

I didn't know what she meant by that and I turned to her to only see her coming after me. She pushed me into the upcoming traffic. A car, that was coming towards my way, honked for me to get out the way. It was all coming too fast, I closed my eyes and waited for the impact but I felt somebody push me out of the way just in time.

Then, I heard a loud thud.

I opened my eyes and screamed.

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