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A couple hours passed and the sun started setting. I took this moment to get ready for bed myself. I got up off the couch from watching television for the remaining part of my day and headed to the bathroom door. I was about to turn the knob when the bedroom door to Wooyoung's opened and he stepped out, holding a toothbrush in his hand.

"Oh, were you going to use the bathroom?" He asked.

"Were you planning to toothbrush your teeth?"

He bobbed his head, "yeah but you can use the bathroom first."

When Nari said he's very respectful, she was not kidding, "oh no, I was planning to brush my teeth as well. Since we're planning to brush our teeth at the same time, we should do it together, if that's fine with you."

He flashed me a smile, "I'm okay with that."

I opened the bathroom door and stepped inside, Wooyoung following in pursuit. I grabbed my toothbrush and placed toothpaste on it. I handed Wooyoung the toothpaste and he did the same thing. At the same time, we started brushing our teeth.

"You know, I thought you've already fallen asleep," I started a conversation.

"I couldn't sleep so I just sat on the bed," he lightly chuckled.

"Well, the sun has already set so its a great time to sleep now," I said, "you know, since it's getting dark."

He stopped brushing his teeth. It seemed like he was in deep thoughts because he spaced out for a few seconds. Seconds turned to minutes and he was still frozen so I decided to shake him out of his trance to only get pushed back, painfully knocking me back against the bathroom door.

Wooyoung widened his eyes and dropped his toothbrush in the sink to help me back on my feet, "I'm so sorry, you just startled me."

I wanted to ask him if he was okay because his eyes looked stressed out but I didn't. When I got back on my feet, I wiped my mouth with a towel and placed my toothbrush in its holder, "I know what not to do from now on."

I opened the door, "Miyeon, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" If you're sorry, you should tell me what's going on. Why you're acting so weird.

I wanted to know what's going on with him, I really do but I know it's still early, "I'm going to bed, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Miyeon, I — "

I didn't want to listen to him anymore. So, I entered in my bedroom and closed the door, stripping out of my clothes and into my pyjamas. I jumped on my bed and crawled under the covers and laid there, staring at the ceiling. Eventually, I grew tired and my eyes started to droop until I fell asleep.

roommate. wooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now