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Wooyoung and I sat in the chairs outside the emergency room and waited for details about Nari.

"I wonder what happened," I mumbled.

"Me too," Wooyoung sighs and leans back in his chair with his arms crossed in front of his chest, "but then again, Nari has a drinking problem so she probably drank too much without realising it."

"But this never happened before, I wonder what caused her to drink so excessively,"

"I guess we should ask her when we get the chance to see her,"

I nodded in agreement, "yeah."

Just then, the doctor came out of the door. I was the first one to stand up immediately when he walked in, Wooyoung following behind. I rubbed my hand anxiously as I stood in front of the doctor.

"How is she?"

The doctor looks down at the clipboard that he's holding, "your friend is going to need to stay overnight, maybe two nights, depends on how she's doing tomorrow. Other than that, she's well resting right now."

I let out a relieved sigh, "thank you so much."

"Do you think we can see her?" Wooyoung asked.

"Unfortunately, not now, she needs to sleep. You can come by in the morning tomorrow and see her,"

Wooyoung nods his head, "alright."

The doctor walked back in the door that he came out of and left Wooyoung and I standing there less stressed.

Wooyoung pulled me in for a comforting hug and lightly squeezed me, "now that we know she's fine, want to go grab something light to eat for dinner?"

"Yeah, stress sure does make you hungry," I chuckled softly.

"Come on, lets go grab something to eat, I'll bring us back here tomorrow so we can see her,"

Wooyoung went ahead first and I followed a few seconds later. I had my eyes glued on the door to Nari's room until it looked smaller as I walked away. Then I paid attention to the front and ran a hand through my hair.

As long as I know she's fine, that's all that matters.

The thought made me stop constantly having my mind on her.

Wooyoung brought me to a convenience store and bought the both of us a cup of noodles. He decided to fix mine up for me, I was about to retort but I didn't have the energy to do so.

Not only does stress make you hungry, it also makes you tired too.

I snapped out of my thoughts when a cup of noodles slid over in front of me. A pair of chopsticks waiting to be held. I turned my head over to Wooyoung and flashed him a smile.


He took out a bowl of kimchi and set it in front of us, "what are you thinking about?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're zoning out a lot, if it's about Nari, don't worry, she's fine,"

"Yeah but she's fine now, but what if she's not fine tomorrow?" Just hearing myself saying that makes me nervous.

"Miyeon, trust me," he says rubbing my back in a soothing way.

I calmed myself down and nodded my head. I was way overthinking this. I picked up my chopsticks and started eating my noodles without another word.

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