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It didn't take long for Wooyoung to go to sleep. The way he slept made it hard for me to sleep but I didn't mind. His head rested on my arm with his cheek on my chest. While I was awake, I stroked his hair as he slept and watched him rest peacefully. In order for me to be in a comfortable position to sleep, I had to move but I did it stealthily so I didn't wake him up.

The following morning, I decided to head out. I wanted to go to Nari's place, since she hasn't contacted me for a while now, and see how she has been up to. But I chose not to. For some reason, I had an odd feeling in my stomach that I shouldn't go to her house right now. So, I drove to the convenience store and bought a couple dosirak for Wooyoung and I to eat for breakfast.

While I was there, I saw a familiar someone sitting in the back, eating instant noodles really early in the morning. I walked over to that someone and tapped them on the back and widened my eyes.


Jonghoon was also surprised and he choked on his noodles that was in his mouth, "Miyeon, what are you doing here?"

I held up a couple of the boxes in my hand, "buying breakfast for Wooyoung and I."

He rubbed the back of his neck, "how's Nari?"

I set the boxes down on the table and crossed my arms, "no thanks to you, she hasn't been feeling very well at all."

"Look, I know you're mad at me but you don't know how she really is when you're not around,"

I furrowed my brows, "what do you mean?"

"She's very controlling and she's too clingy. It's like she is a whole another person when it's just me and her," he shivers at how he's describing her.

I shook my head, not believing his words, "I don't think you're telling the truth. I mean, you cheated on her. I don't trust cheaters."

He scoffs, "believe what you want but I'm telling the truth. Who knows, maybe your so-called-friend is hiding something behind your back."

I shook my head, frowning deeply at what he told me, "that's not the Nari that I would know."

"Nari, she's very good at hiding things. She's a good liar," then he stopped talking for a moment and then gestured for me to come closer. I was hesitant but I did, "Nari, she's not good in the head sometimes. She's very bipolar in certain times. To add some things about her hiding stuff from you, she would talk about Wooyoung."


"What about him?"

"I came to her house one time and caught her drunk. When I went up to her, she could barely stand. She almost fell and I caught her, she giggled and didn't call me by my name. Instead, she called me Wooyoung,"

My eyes widened, "Wooyoung?"

He nods, "Wooyoung."

"Continue," I told him, getting intrigued with this information.

"I was holding her,"


"Wooyoung," Nari giggled, holding onto Jonghoon's arms for leverage to keep her steady.

"Nari, it's not Wooyoung. It's me, Jongh—"

Nari pressed a finger against Jonghoon's lips and shushed him, "don't speak," she says, staring at his lips with beady eyes and giggled once more, "your lips always looks so nice."

Jonghoon didn't say anything.

"Wouldn't it be nicer if it was against mine?" She says seductively.

She was about to kiss him but Jonghoon stopped her before she could press her lips against his, "Nari, stop, you're drunk."

"Why are you such a party-pooper, Wooyoung? Just because Miyeon isn't that much of a fun girl, I can be twice — no, triple — as fun as her."

Jonghoon furrowed his brows, "stop talking nonsense, that's your friend you're talking about."

"Friend? She's not really my friend," she stumbled, almost falling if it wasn't for Jonghoon.


"You know," she started, "if I wasn't dating Jonghoon and you weren't trying to hook up with Miyeon. We would make such a cute couple."


I clenched my jaw at the story that Jonghoon shared with me.

"She really said that?"

Jonghoon nodded his head, "yes. Like I said, believe what you want but I am telling the truth."

"Thanks," I picked up my boxes off the table before backing away towards the entrance door, "for telling me all of this."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going back home to think about what you just told me," I answered.

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