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Nari came back with a wine bottle and a couple wine glass.

She sets the glasses down on the coffee table and poured the substance in the glasses.

"Wait, I thought I could only drink apple juice," I joked.

She leans back against the couch when she finished and handed me my glass, "lets just give this one a pass."

I chuckled and took a sip. My face churned at the taste and I set it down on the table.

"I don't know about you but that taste horrible," I smacked my mouth at the aftertaste.

Nari took a sip out of hers too and shrugged, "that's how I thought when I first had a taste of wine but it gets better if you keep drinking it."

I looked at it, "it's like a strong taste of medicine."

Nari took another sip of her wine as she nodded her in agreement.

Nari has already finished her glass of wine.

"So, tell me, how do you really feel about Wooyoung?"

"Don't get your hopes just yet, Nari, we've only known each other for less than a week,"

"But there has to be something that's going on between you two," Nari said.

I rubbed the back of my neck, not knowing how to answer, "I don't know, I've never been in a situation like this before."

"That's why you have me," Nari winked, "an expert."

"I just want to take it slow,"

"Good idea, you guys haven't even gone out on a real date," Nari pointed out.


"This is actually tough," Nari lets out a breath, "but I know that you know how to work things out. It's Wooyoung that can't."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Wooyoung can't date,"

I furrowed my brows, "what?"

"What I meant by that is, I've been there when he tried to talk to other girls before he met you," she says with a blank look.

"I'm sure he's not that bad. He even boldly made the first move to kiss me,"

"It's not that, he would always talk about his problems from the past, and I get that impacted his life any everything, but you know how most girls are these days, they see a cute guy and think he's perfect but you already know Wooyoung is far from perfect, and, so, the girls he used to talk to would find him annoying for always talking about it and nothing else,"

I looked down, "that's harsh."

"I know, right?" Nari's voice raised a few octave, "when he told me, one time, that he got stood up on a date, it made me mad. Like, the audacity that the girl had is shameless."

I noticed that Nari was tensed about the subject so I laid my hand on her shoulder, "you should pour yourself another glass of wine."

She lets out a calm breath and nodded her head, "sorry, I'm taking things too seriously."

Nari had already poured herself another glass of wine and took a sip, "no, I understand."

I, too, even finished my glass of wine. It took a few more sips when I felt that familiar taste of the beverage. I poured more wine into mine and took more sip of it.

"That's probably why Wooyoung is comfortable with you. You haven't kicked him out after experiencing his first break down and hearing his life story for more than once,"

I looked down at my glass of wine, seeing my reflection in the liquid, and thought about what she said.

I don't think I have the heart to kick Wooyoung out.

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