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"Wooyoung!" I shrieked.

I saw him laying on the street, a trail of blood following his body. I was shaking uncontrollably as I made my way towards him. He was laying on his side and I carefully turned him so that he was on his back. I covered my mouth at how bad he looked. The side of his face was all scratched up, blood pouring out endlessly.

"Somebody, please, call for help!" I hollered at the crowd that formed around the scene.

I saw several people pulling out their phone and I went back to have my attention on Wooyoung. Looking at him, I couldn't stop from the tears from flowing. My eyesight was blurred, causing me from seeing what I wish wasn't real.

"Wooyoung, please, hold on," I begged, my hands set on his cheeks, "please, don't do this to me."

I hung my head down as I choked on each sob. Hearing the siren from an ambulance, I looked up and saw them stop, paramedics came out of the vehicle and took care of Wooyoung. I followed behind them and got in with him as they took off to the hospital in a hurry.

Once we made it to the hospital, they pulled him out and rolled him into the emergency room, where I couldn't enter. Seeing him disappear from my sight caused another wave of tears flowing down.

I didn't keep time but I've been waiting at one of the chairs outside the double doors for any information about Wooyoung. My eyes were all swollen, nose stuffed up, with my throat dryer than the desert.

I immediately got up from the chairs when the doctor came out. I didn't know what I was expecting but I somehow had hope that he was doing alright. But the face that the doctor had, I felt my stomach churn.

"I'm sorry,"

That was it, that was all he had to say.

I felt my legs go limp. I fell to the ground and I didn't know how to react anymore.

That night, I came home after going back to the coffee shop and retrieve Wooyoung's car. I wasn't expecting to come home by myself. But I did, I was alone. The lights were all on like it would always be since Wooyoung hated the dark. But now that he's no longer around, there's no use to keep them on.

I closed the front door behind me and tossed all my things to the side and walked over to Wooyoung's bedroom door. I opened it and saw his bed all made. Everything neatly in place as if nobody had ever set foot in the room. The bedroom, it had his scent. It was like he was still here. But I had to remind myself that he was gone. Forever.

I walked out of his room and went into mine. My room was also neatly organised. The bed all made up and everything with something on top of it. I tilted my head in curiosity and went over to what it was and saw a painting. A painting of me. A small smile formed on my face and in the corner of the canvas was a note:

To: My dear Miyeon

Don't you remember the time we painted together and you was mesmerised at how well I did my portrait? I hope you enjoy this recreation of your painting done by me for you birthday. Don't worry, I didn't put blue paint on your cheek...hahaha.
If you look closely, it's an image of you in my point of view. I made sure to put every detail of you in the picture. I made it to where it was accurately beautiful as the real you.
Happy birthday, my love!


I let out the tears once again and clutched the painting against my chest. I stood there all night re-reading what he had put together.


Wow, Roommates is almost over. I just need to post the epilogue.

I want to thank everyone that's been reading this book and has been supporting it until the end. I couldn't have done it without you guys!

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