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I woke up with a sound of screaming. I shot up from my bed and ran to where the noise was coming from. The apartment was dark as night, I couldn't see anything. I placed my hand on the wall and tried to feel where the light switch was at. When I felt it, I flipped it on.

The hollering came from Wooyoung's room. It sounded like he was in pain. I stood in front of his door, hand on the doorknob, but I was scared to open it. The sound sent chills down my spine.

"Wooyoung, are you okay?" I asked.

His yelling turned to a small whine and I heard his voice, breath shaking as he spoke, "n — no."

I didn't have any choice but to open his door. His room was pitch black. That's until I stepped foot in his room, the light from the hallway let me see what's going on in the room. There, on the bed, was Wooyoung holding a pillow close to him with beads of sweat running down the side of his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked worryingly.

"I — It's nothing, can you turn on the light before you walk any further into the room, please?"

I obliged and closed the door behind me before walking over to the side of his bed and sat on it, "it didn't sound like it was nothing, you sounded like someone was trying to murder you."

When I said that, Wooyoung looked down, lips and fingers quivering, "really, it's nothing."

I sighed, "ok, but let me get a rag and help you dry up, you're literally drenched in your own sweat."

I didn't waste any time and got up to head in my bathroom and grab a medium-size towel out of my bathroom closet and came back.

Wooyoung puts the pillow, that he's holding, to the side and scooted over to me. I started dabbing the material on his face, placing my free hand on his cheek as I do so.

"I'm sorry for not telling you," he started with a guilty tone in his voice, "I feel bad. It's just that, I'm not ready yet to talk about it."

At this point, I knew it was something serious and I didn't want to stress him out even more than he already is by moping around in his business. So, I shook my head and gave him a reassuring smile, "I understand if you don't want to talk about it. You don't have to force yourself to tell me anything."

He gave me a small smile, "thank you, really."

"Hey, it's what roommates do, we help each other," I joked.

He chuckled but his smile faltered a little, "about the toothbrush moment, I'm sorry for pushing you, I didn't have any intention to hurt you and I feel really bad."

"Wooyoung, please stop apologising before you actually hurt yourself," I said as I started wiping his neck.


I sighed, "since you're close with Nari, do you want me to call her and tell her what happened?"

Wooyoung's eyes went wide and he instantly shook his head, "no, I'll only worry her more."

"I see," I said, "then I won't tell her."

Wooyoung started rubbing the back of his neck as if something was bothering him, "I know this is sudden and we just met this morning but..."

He died off at the end, "but, what?"

"I don't know how to say this,"

Is he finally going to tell me? "Go on, I'm listening."

"But can you sleep with me?"

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