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Hours passed by and I didn't have anything to do at this time but think.

That one thing that's been bothering me as every aching second passed by was that kiss.

What did it mean?

Did he only kiss me because he wanted to or was there a meaning behind it?

Is this how I'm suppose to react to my first kiss? I feel totally stressed over something as small as a kiss.

My first kiss was with Wooyoung.

The thought itself made me insanely blush. I could feel my face heat up. Luckily, he's been in his room after we had fun with the colouring books so he couldn't witness me being a little girl at the moment.

I threw myself against the couch with my arms extended beside me.

I need to tell Nari what happened. Maybe she can help me. She has to know what to do in situations like this. I mean, she does have a boyfriend.

I strolled over to Wooyoung's bedroom door and knocked on it, "Hey, Wooyoung?"

There was no answer.

I tried again and knocked on his door, "Wooyoung?"

He must be taking a nap.

I looked at the bottom of the door, where the crack is, and saw light casted on the ground.

He has the light on.

I didn't want to bother him anymore so I left without another word. I grabbed my phone before heading out to Nari's place, which wasn't far from the apartment complex.

Once I drove up to her driveway, I took quick steps to her front door and knocked on her door at a rapid pace.

Nari opened the door and I gave her a weird—looking smile, "whoah, what happened to you?"

I entered inside of her house before I could answer, "you will not believe what happened this morning!"

"What happened this morning that's making you feel — wait, hold up, I've been here before," she held up a finger when she came in realisation, a smirk crossing her face.

"You do?"

She gave me a nod, "yes but I want you to tell me so I know we're on the same page."

"Wooyoung kissed me,"

"Wooyoung kissed you," she repeated to herself. Then her head snapped up to me with big eyes, "Wooyoung kissed you?"

"I know, that's how I reacted too!"

Her smirk turned into a stretched grin and I was scared at her. Why is she smiling like that? This is serious.

"I knew he was going to make his move the next day," she said.

I was confused, "what?"

"You see, Miyeon, yesterday when we got home from having fun, Wooyoung and I had a talk about you. I'm sure you heard your name in the conversation. Well, that's because I made sure you heard it," she shrugged a shoulder, the smile never leaving her face.

"Okay?" I said it in a more questioning way.

"I was the reason why you had your first kiss," she nudged on my arm and winked at me, "I told him that if he liked you, he should let you know. But I didn't expected him to kiss you. What I meant by 'letting you know' is by buying you a bouquet of flowers or take you out on a date. Look who's the extra one now."

I chuckled at the last part.

"So, tell me how did it go," Nari wiggled her eyebrows.

I felt my face flushed at her statement, "Nari," I whined, "I don't want to describe it. That's weird."

"Then at least tell me you didn't have him do all the work. Tell me you didn't pull off those annoying girls on Korean dramas where they stood there like a statue while being kissed,"

I shook my head, "I kissed back."

She gasped, "you did?"

I nodded and started rubbing my arms up and down, "I surprisingly did."

She cheekily smiled, "look at you doing things right. Lead characters in those annoying shows should take note. Just for that, we should celebrate."

"Celebrate? With what?"


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