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After that night, Wooyoung and I started to hang out more. We went to the movies, arcades, and even to another fair — which was a couple hours away from the apartment. We rode on another Ferris wheel and this time we sat together in the capsules and enjoyed ourselves. Unlike last time.

It's been several days and in those days, I noticed how Wooyoung has been more outgoing with me. Of course without Nari to boost him up, I felt like I did something that helped him be more open with me and I felt cheery about it.

Speaking of Nari, I haven't heard from her in days.

Wooyoung and I was laying on the couch, having a lazy day, and watch some cartoons. I was laying on my back between his legs and then flipped over so I was facing him. He glanced his eyes over to me and noticed something was up with me.

"What's wrong?" He spoke up.

"Has Nari texted you?" I questioned.

He shook his head, "no, has she texted you?"

I let out a breath and sat up, "that's the thing, I haven't heard from her. This isn't like her. At times like this, something must have happened and she wanted to tell me about it by now but my phone is pretty dry of her name."

"She must be busy," Wooyoung says with an assuring smile.

"You're right but I would like to check up on her, just in case,"

"Want me to drive you over to her house now?" He offered.

I gave him a smile and nodded my head, "sure."

I changed into something warmer, since it was getting cold outside, and met up with Wooyoung to his car. Once we were inside the vehicle and buckled our seatbelt, he backed out of the parking lot and drove to Nari's place. When we were in her driveway, we got out of the car and went up to her front porch and knocked on her door.

There was no answer.

Wooyoung must be right, she's probably busy.

Then I looked down and was aware that a piece of the doorframe was broken as if someone was trying to knock down the door.

"Wooyoung, look!" I pointed.

Wooyoung stood next to me and examined what was in front of us and looked at me and then back at it. He straightened himself up and put his hand on the doorknob and, surprisingly, the door was unlocked when he turned the knob and pushed the door.

I furrowed my brows when I saw that her whole place was trashed with her belongings. Books were spread out everywhere as well as the pages. Her two expensive lamp that she bought from an auction was on the floor. The shade of it torn. There were more of her things such as her picture frames and living room decorations scattered everywhere on the ground.

"Nari?" Wooyoung called out.

But there was no answer.

Wooyoung and I entered the kitchen. I wasn't paying too much attention and accidentally kicked a bottle. Not just any bottle. A beer bottle.

Wooyoung groans in disgust and used the collar of his shirt to cover his nose, "it reeks of alcohol."

"Nari — " I was the one who called out her name this time but stopped abruptly when I saw her, through the legs of the chairs, laying behind the kitchen table.

I ran over to her side and covered my mouth.

She was a mess. The odour that was coming off her was horrendous.

"We have to call for an ambulance or take her to the hospital ourselves,"

"I'm already on it," Wooyoung showed me his phone and saw that he's already called for help.

While he was doing that I was calling out her name and shaking for her to wake up but she wasn't responding. I started to panic. I felt a tear run down my face when I felt a fear of losing my best friend. I felt agitated, I ran a hand through my hair and leaned back against the cabinets behind me.

Wooyoung put his phone away when he was finished, "they're on their way with an ambulance," I nodded. He got down on one knee and flipped her over so she was on her back, "I think I know what to do."

"What are you doing?"

Wooyoung used his thumb and index finger and pressed them together on Nari's earlobe and pinched her really hard. To our surprise Nari flinched at the feeling and I let out a breath of relief.

"How did you learn that would work?"

"I watched my mum use it on my step-dad every-time he was passed out on the living room ground," he shrugs a shoulder.

I didn't say anything after that.

The both of us stayed next to Nari and monitored her until the paramedics were here.

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