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I looked over at Wooyoung and saw that he was confused as I am. He gave me a shrug and went back to eating his breakfast.

I turned my attention back to Nari, "is it something good or..."

She shrugged, "I don't know, does going to a fair sound good to you?"

My eyes widened and I matched the smile that was on her face and I instantly nodded, "of course, you know I love fairs."

Nari gave me a nod and glanced over my shoulder, "Wooyoung, do you want to tag along? You don't have to. I mean, it's going to be filled with loud noises and I know how much you hate loud noises."

Wooyoung swallowed his food, "I've never been to a fair before so it won't hurt to try, right?"

Nari looked doubtful but gave a nod, "yeah, sure, you're right. Anyways, my boyfriend, Jonghoon, invited you guys to come along because we had extra tickets so that's why I'm here."

"That's thoughtful of him, tell him that we said thank you," I beamed.

She nodded, "will do."

Nari started walking back to the door when she stopped in her track and held up a finger. She turned on her heel and pointed over at Wooyoung, "tell me, how was last night with him like for the first time?"

I gulped. I turned my head over at Wooyoung and saw him stop chewing when she asked that. If I squinted my eyes, I could see that he was shaking his head at me not to tell her anything.

I adverted my eyes at Nari, "I don't know what you expect me to say, he was fine. Why? Should something happen?" I did my best to lie. Hopefully, she bought it.

Nari's brows shot up surprisingly, "is that so?" I hate lying to her.

"Y — Yes,"

Nari peeped her head to look over at Wooyoung with a thumbs up, "you're doing well, Wooyoung, keep it up!"

"So, when are we going to the fair?" I asked, changing the subject.

Her mouth formed an 'o' and she whipped out her phone, "oh yeah, we'll be going there at eight today so we'll pick you guys up by then."

"Today?" I asked with my jaw dropped.

She nodded, "the fair is open until the end of this month."

"And we're going to today?"

She nods again but rather slowly, "I thought you liked going to the fair."

"I do. It's just that, you never tell me ahead of time when we're going to do something,"

"Well, you got eleven hours to pick out an outfit," she cracks a smile.

I pushed her out of the door and rolled my eyes with a chuckle, "yeah, yeah, take one hour off because I have untouched breakfast sitting on the counter."

"That still leaves you ten hours though,"

"Bye, I'll see you later," I said with my fingers waving at her as I slowly closed the door.

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