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I woke up the next morning rather early in Wooyoung's bed. Instead of wearing no shirt, like last time, he was wearing a baggy grey shirt with a low-cut collar that made his scar visible on his collarbone. I turned my head so I can see his face more clearly. I reached my fingers up to feel his long eyelashes and saw his eyes twitch under my touch but he stayed asleep.

But then realisation occurred to me and I tried to think if I had to wake up due to Wooyoung's hollering but I can't remember if I did.

I decided not to let it bother me. Instead, I traced my fingertip from his eyelashes down to his nose, all the way to his pink lips. I made sure to brush my fingers on it though. The sun was finally coming up and watched as the sunlight casted on Wooyoung and witnessed the light shine down on his melanin skin, making him have a glow. He looks like an angel at the moment.

He groaned in his sleep and I retrieved back my hand before I got caught in an uncomfortable situation.

He had his arm wrapped around me in a comforting hold and I did my best to smoothly make my way out of it without waking him up. Luckily, I did. But before I walked out of his room, I fixed the blanket so it was up this neck and left without a look back.

I changed out of my old clothes and into something new and headed inside the kitchen as I thought about doing something for the day with Wooyoung. Since Nari wasn't here, I wonder what she would suggest us doing today. Should I call her? I thought. A minute passed and I shook my head at what I was thinking.

There was literally nothing to do here, which made me embarrassed. Before Wooyoung moved in, I lived a very boring life. I had nothing to do at all, most of the day, but Nari changed that. Unfortunately, Nari is a lot older than I am so I couldn't hang out with her and her pals, before she met Jonghoon, most of the time so I'm grateful that Wooyoung is around my age.

Should I go to the store and buy a board-game? Something to paint with? Who doesn't like painting? A coloring book? Does that sound much like a date? I groaned and shook my head. I'll probably buy a canvas for us to paint on and a few coloring books. That sounds like fun.

I headed outside the apartment door, checking to see if I had everything that I needed in my pocket before I headed outside and locked the door.

Skipping all the way to the store, I made my way inside the building and went to the crafting area where I saw several canvases all lined up in the back and grabbed a couple. Then, I chose a few coloring books afterward and went to go pay all of them. Although they were pretty pricey, I'm sure buying all of this is going to be worth it.

I made it back inside the apartment in a jiffy with a handful of stuff in my arms. I stumbled upon Wooyoung who was eating a banana in the kitchen and watched me struggling to make it to the table in the living room.

"Woah, what is all of this for?" He asked, getting the big canvases and following me to the living room.

I let out a tired sigh and dropped everything on the tabletop, "it's for us. You know, something to do. I'm nothing like Nari so I hope this is enough to enjoy ourselves for the day."

Wooyoung sets the canvases down along the grocery bags and ruffled my hair, "you did your best."

I blushed, "I tried."

"Say, did you eat anything this morning?" Wooyoung questioned.


Wooyoung walked over to the bar and ripped a banana apart from the rest and handed it to me, "before we do anything, you should eat."

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