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I was laying in between Wooyoung's legs when he got a text message. He tried his best to reach over and grab his phone that was sitting on the coffee table, while I was laying on top of him, and successfully got it.

"Who's it from?" I asked him.

Wooyoung turned his phone and showed it to me, "it's from Nari, she just got discharged from the hospital and wants me to pick her up."

"Oh, then you go do that, I'll be here cooking something for us to eat,"

"Alright, I'll be back in a few," Wooyoung says as he got up and went in his room and came back with a coat on.

He walked to the front door and grabbed his car keys as he made his way out and closed the door behind him.


I walked over to my car and got in. I buckled myself up and revved up the vehicle before backing out of the driveway and towards the hospital once again.

I hurriedly went inside the lobby and walked up to the main desk. I was about to put Nari's information in when I heard my name being called out by a familiar voice.


I turned my head and saw Nari in comforting clothes with a small smile on her face. I ran up to her and hugged her. She hugged me back and started crying in the crook of my neck.

"How are you feeling?" I questioned.

Nari stepped back away from me and wiped her tears and sniffle, "I could be better but the doctor told me that I need to lay off the alcohol for a couple of weeks. Or at least until I feel 'better'."

"Here, lets go to the apartment, Miyeon is cooking us something to eat,"

Nari nodded her head, "okay."

The ride back home was pretty quiet. The only thing that kept it from being entirely quiet was the soft music from the radio and Nari's sniffling.

Once we arrived, I stepped out of the car first and rounded my way over to Nari's and opened the door for her. But she just sat in her seat, still buckled up. Her nose was all red from the sniffling and her eyes was puffy from crying too much.

"Nari, we're here," I said.

"Hey, Wooyoung, can I ask you something?" She spoke up, not looking at me.

"Sure, what is it?" I asked, leaning on the door.

"Do you think I'm pretty?"

I kept silent at her question. I was too surprised to answer.

I heard Nari scoff, "I bet you think I'm ugly too. I guess that's why Jonghoon left me for someone better looking than I am. She's probably more sane than I am."

"Nonsense, you're fine just the way you are,"

Nari was the one who's quiet this time. She bit her bottom lip and played with her fingers as time passes by. A question aching to come out of her lips.

"Then," Nari clears her throat, "you wouldn't mind going out with me, would you?"

I choked on her question and regained my composure, "sorry, Nari, but I have someone else in mind that I want to date."

"It's Miyeon, isn't it?"

I slowly nodded my head, "yes."

"You guys haven't asked each other out yet?"

"Well, no, but I'm planning to — "

"So, you guys aren't even a couple but I'm sitting here asking you out. Yet, you're going to wait for a girl who's probably not going to date you,"

I was taken back at what she said, "what are you talking about?"

"Look at your situation, Wooyoung, you're not perfect. Do you think a girl, who's as perfect as Miyeon is, would date someone who's as broken as you are?"

"Is that what you wanted to tell me after you left the hospital?"

"Come on, Wooyoung, we're basically the same," she says, unbuckling herself and getting out of the car before closing the door behind her.

I waved a finger at her direction, "no, actually, that's where you're wrong. You're nothing like me," I felt anger boiling inside of me, "you haven't been through the same hell as I did when I was a child. Yeah, we may not be perfect but at least one of us is bettering ourselves to be as perfect as we can be."

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