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Nari and I was swinging side by side on the swing-set silently. If it wasn't for the kids chasing each other around the playground, it would've been a lot awkward than it already is.

"That's it, Miyeon," Nari gruff out and slid her feet along the playground chip to stop her from swinging and turned to me, "seriously, what's wrong with you? You're not being your bubbly self. Something has to be bugging you."

Luckily, Wooyoung was enjoying himself with the little kids by the monkey bars. So, I had the chance to tell Nari what's been going through my head ever since last night.

"It's about Wooyoung, hearing what he had to go through for so many years made me feel, I don't know, sad in a way. I can't stop thinking about it. Like, that's all I be thinking about. That's why I didn't have the appetite to eat my food this morning," I told her.

Nari nodded her head, understanding what I was saying, "I get what you're saying, that's how I felt when I found out about Wooyoung. Though it was just me and him, I had to force myself to get used to this because I'm the only one he has left. Well, was, he has you now."

Hearing her say that made my face flush red, "oh shut up."

"It's true though," she defended herself, "you two look cute together, especially when you're not looking and he takes his chance to stare at you with nothing but love in his eyes."

I playfully punched her on the arm, "no he does not."

"Okay, maybe he doesn't but you get what I mean. I'm just glad he has somebody to hang out with that is around his age. You know, since I'm old and all," she snickered.

"You're not that old," I joked with her.

She laughed and rolled her eyes, "gee, thanks."

"Besides, we've known each other a lot longer than you and Wooyoung did, how come I've never heard of him until recently?"

"Wooyoung wasn't much of a social person back then until recently. So, I kept him a secret until he turned eighteen,"

My gaze landed back on Wooyoung and I watched as he helped a little boy make it to the other end of the money bars with a wide smile on his face. The sight of him smiling that big made me feel warm inside and I couldn't help but stare at him. I've never seen him smile that way before.

It was that moment all the worry washed away.

I didn't know how long I had my eyes on him but it was long enough for him to look up at my direction and catch me watching him. The stretched smile on his face turned into a small one as he brought his hand up in a little wave.

"An ice cream sounds great right now, huh?" Nari asked me as I was just about to wave back at Wooyoung.

I dropped my hand and fixated my gaze to her and nodded my head, "yeah, it's a bit too hot."

"Good, it'll be my treat,"

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