Ch10: Home But Not Over

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Shoto's pov

I woke up to the usual dull look of the cave and the stream splashing up against me. I looked to my side. Tamaki lay next to me, head leaned on my shoulder. I was about to wake her when I began coughing, my chest becoming tighter. This woke Tamaki up. "
Are you alright?" she asked. My coughing stopped and I wiped my mouth with the back of my arm.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Let's get going" I replied. I just wanted to get out of this stupid place. I had no idea how long we'd been down here for but it was long enough. I helped Tamaki up and we began walking again. Like we had been recently, we had to take a lot of breaks but we took more breaks than before. I also felt tired and weak, having barely any energy. After walking for ages, I felt Tamaki shift next to me.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Look" she stated, pointing forward. I looked forward and felt relived. I could see a faint light not far along the tunnel.
"That has to be a way out" I stated, a cough following soon after. We started to pick up the pace as best we could with such little energy. We finally reached that light and I was so glad to be greated with a cool breeze. I looked around. We were in a forest and still in the stream but I could hear the sound of cars nearby. The bank of the stream wasn't that high so we got out pretty quickly. We walked to the edge of the forest and found a highway.
"Now how do we get home?" Tamaki asked, looking both ways. I did the same. I knew which direction to go in thanks to the signs but there was no way we would be able to walk all the way back to Musutafu.
"We could try and hitchhike" I suggested.
"Guess that's our only option" she stated. We waited for another car to drive by. When one finally passed, I stuck out my hand. The car stopped.
"Are you going to Musutafu by any chance?" I asked.
"Yeah. Wait..... Aren't you Endevour's son and Eraserhead's daughter?" the guy asked.
"Yeah. We just really want to get home. Could you give us a lift?" Tamaki asked. The guy looked at us for a second.
"Get in" he stated. We thanked him and got in the car, fastening our seatbelts. The guy began driving again. After a few minutes of silence, only disrupted by the occasional cough from Tamaki or myself, the guy spoke.
"So what are you kids doing way out here? Your pretty far from Musutafu" he asked.
"We followed a stream in a cave until we got out" I stated.
"Explains it" the guy muttered to himself. "Explains what?" I asked.
"You kids might want to read this" the guy explained, tossing a newspaper into the back of the car. I looked at the front and my entire brain froze.
"What does it say?" Tamaki asked.
"Shoto Todoroki and Tamaki Aizawa reported dead" I read aloud.
"What?!" Tamaki yelled which was a first. She snatched the paper and flipped onto the page with the article.
"It has been discovered by the pro heroes, Midnight, Present mic and Eraserhead that the heroes in training Shoto Todoroki and Tamaki Aizawa are dead. It is believed that it was attempted suicide that ended the two teens lives" Tamaki read aloud, eyes widening with each word if that was possible.
"So everyone thinks we're dead" I stated.
"Oh no. My dad's going to bbe shattered. I never even thought about how he would feel about this until now" Tamaki stated. The guy stayed quite. After a long time of driving, probably being past Midnight, we arrived in Musufuta. He dropped us off near Tamaki's house as we thanked him for his help, walking back to Tamaki's.
"Do you mind if I stay at your's tonight? I don't think I have the strength to walk all the way back to my house" I asked.
"I'm sure my dad won't mind" she replied. After a few more minutes of walking, we arrived at Tamaki's House. I helped her to the door as she reached out and rang the doorbell. After a few seconds, a light in the living room flicked on. Soon after, the door opened to reveal Present mic. He seemed confused for a second before rubbing his eyes and looking at us, eyes widening.
"Tamaki?" he asked in surprise.
"Hey Hizashi. What are you doing at dad's place?" Tamaki asked.
"Just give me a second" he stated, running up the stairs. I helped Tamaki into the hall as footsteps came down the stairs.
"What is it Hizashi?" an annoyed voice asked. Mr Aizawa walked down the stairs with a very annoyed face. He took one look at the both of us and his face instantly changed.
"Is this a dream?" he asked.
"It's not a dream dad. I'm really here" Tamaki comforted. Mr Aizawa pulled Tamaki into a hug as I let go of her arm. She hugged back.
"I'm so sorry dad. I didn't realise how my choice would affect you" she explained.
"It's fine. I'm just glad your alright but where have you been?" he asked.
"And why does it look like the both of you have been dragged to hell and back?" Present mic asked.
"We've been wandering around a cave stream for who knows how long while trying to find a way out" I explained.
"What's going on down here?" someone else asked. A purple haired teen who I recognised as the guy Midoriya fought walked down the stairs.
"Why is there someone else here?" Tamaki asked.
"Oh. Tamaki, this is Hitoshi. He's your adopted brother" Mr Aizawa explained. Tamaki limped over, using some of the furniture to keep herself balanced.
"Nice to meet you" she stated, holding out herr hand. Shinso accepted it and they shook hands. Not long after, Tamaki began coughing. Everyone began to panic as she fell back unconscious, having been unable to handle all the coughing and possibly something else. Mr Aizawa had caught her before she hit the ground. I was about to go help when my head began to pound really hard. I put a hand up to my head, my vision blurring. I began to cough again, my legs shaking before I fell to the ground, everything going black.

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