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Shoto's pov

I walked up to Midoriya's room, knocking on the door. A few moments later, the door was opened and Midoriya was stood there.
"Oh. Hey there Todoroki. Do you need something?" he asks, opening the door fully.
"Yes" I state. He looks at his feet for a second before letting me into the room. I walked into his room, sitting down on the blue covers of his bed. I look at the side of his bed where there is a large All might poster.
"Its a lot better having All might towering over me instead of my dad" I state.
"Right. So, what is it that you need?" he asks. I look at him for a few seconds.
"Its about Tamaki" I start. His face quickly looks worried.
"Is she alright or are you breaking up with her or-"
"No. Not either of those" I assure him. He sits down in his desk chair.
"She's been................ not great since she got back and I want to do something to help but I don't know what" I explain. Midoriya places a hand to his chin, beginning to mutter words under his breath. I sit awkwardly, looking around the room.
"Oh. I think I have something" he states. hitting his closed fist into the palm of his other hand. I tilt my head to the side, strands of hair obscuring part of my face.
"The winter break is coming up. You could go on a holiday" he offers.
"That won't work. My dad....................... well he doesn't like her very much and I don't know how much Mr Aizawa would like the idea of it just being the two of us" I explain.
"No. I meant bring your families along. Like a bonding experience. Plus, your dad can't do anything if Mr Aizawa is around, right" he corrects. I look down at my lap, eyebrows furrowed in thought.
"I guess that could work" I mumble.
"You should ask Mr Aizawa about it. He's here right?" Midoriya asks. I shake my head.
"He's with Tamaki at her therapy session" I state then I get an idea.
"But I could talk to one of her brothers" I add.
"Thanks Midoriya" I thank him before leaving his room. I don't know where the dorm for Shinso's class is but I do know where the dorms for class 3-a are. I've seen Midoriya and Kirishima go there a few times. I leave the dorms for class 1-a and head to the class 3-a dorms. I push the door open and walk up the stairs. It takes a while to find Amajiki's room since I have to go through every single door to find it. I knock on the door and wait for an answer. Nothing. I knock again.
"Wow. You 1-a kids love showing up at our dorms don't you" someone chuckles. I turn to see who spoke.
"Um...... W-" "Nejiri Hado" she smiles wide.
"Right" I state. She looks over at the door I'd been knocking on.
"You were looking for Amajiki right. He's not here. Present mic picked him up. Said something about a family dinner or something like it" she explains then her eyes sparkle.
"So do you prefer using your fire or ice more and which one is stronger?" she asks with enthusiasm. I look to the side, unsure of how to respond. Another girl notices what's going on, taking hold of Hado's arm and pulling her away while saying something I didn't quite catch. I take this as an opportunity to leave, taking the lift down rather than the stairs incase I run into the pair again.

DISCONTINUED If Only Memories Could Be Erased(A Shoto Todoroki X Oc Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now