Ch37: Disaster Dinner

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Todoroki's pov

I walked up to my house with Tamaki next to me. She looked nervous.
"I promise that he won't be here. He's working late into the night tonight. He shouldn't show up" I assured her. She nodded but she still looked nervous. I pushed the door open, stepping inside. Fuyumi looked up, eyes sparkling with excitement.
"Shoto. Aizawa. Welcome" she smiled.
"You can call me Tamaki" she told Fuyumi, looking down at her feet. Fuyumi looked at me with one hand over her hand. I knew what she was thinking. She thought Tamaki was one of the cutest things ever. I looked around.
"Where's Natsuo?" I asked.
"In the kitchen" Fuyumi replied.
"Why?" I asked.
"He helped me with the cooking" she smiled. I looked at her dumbfounded.
"Natsuo cooks?" I asked. Tamaki turned to me.
"How did you not know that your brother cooked?" I asked. Fuyumi gave a small laugh.
"We haven't had the best communication with each other over the years. It's a little complicated" Fuyumi explained. Tamaki nodded and dropped the subject.
"Why don't you sit down Tamaki. Sorry I didn't offer you sooner, that was rude" she stated.
"It's alright" Tamaki mumbled, kneeling on the floor at the table.
"Do you need any help?" I asked. Fuyumi shook her head.
"I could help" Tamaki offered.
"Its alright. The food is finished anyway" Fuyumi explained. I quickly gestured to Fuyumi to follow me into the kitchen. Natsuo looked at us from the task he'd been doing.
"What's wrong Shoto?" Natsuo asked.
"See if Tamaki doesn't eat all of her meal, please don't make a big deal about it. I want her to feel as comfortable as possible tonight" I explained.
Both nodded. I walked back out and sat next to Tamaki.
"You have a very fancy house" she mumbled.
"Yeah. Sorry if it's overwhelming. I know this is your first time here" I explained. Fuyumi and Natsuo brought out some Soba and a few other small plates of snacks. They sat down across from us. We talked about some stuff and Tamaki actually seemed happy, she was slowly looking less nervous and joined in the conversation with a couple comments and a joke or two. Not dark humor either. I was glad everything was going how I'd hoped. That is until the door slid open. We all turned to the door. It was dad. Tamaki ducked down as best she could, pulling her hood over her face.
"What is going on here?" He snapped, eyes focused on Tamaki. Fuyumi jumped up.
"We were just having a nice dinner with Tamaki. Do you want to join us?" she asked. I bit my cheek. His face went from mildly annoyed to furious.
"You brought a scamp into my house?!" he yelled. Tamaki visibly flinched. Natsuo stood up.
"It's not just your house! It's everyone who lives here's!" he yelled back.
"You do as you are told Natsuo! This creature is not welcome in this house!" he was yelling even louder now.
"What's your problem with her?" Natsuo baited.
"That thing is scruffy. She doesn't look appealing to the eye. She's weak. She failed the license exam" he listed off. Tamaki stood up before anyone could say anything and started walking to the door.
"Tamaki wait" I called.
"It's alright Shoto. I'm fine" Tamaki replied. I could hear the waver in her voice. She was trying not to cry.
"I'm sorry Mr Todoroki sir. I didn't mean to impose" she apologized. No one was prepared for what happened next. Dad slapped her. On the face. Tamaki staggered back, clearly not prepared for that.
"What the hell you damn bastard. That's assault. We could have you charged for that you know" Natsuo yelled. Dad ignored him. His attention was on Tamaki.
"Get out of my house. I don't want you near my son ever again" he snapped. Tamaki ran out the door.
"Tamaki!" I called after her but she didn't stop. I turned on him.
"What the hell! Why would you do that?!She was actually happy for once! She was doing better and you went and ruined it! If she jumps off a roof or something because of this then I will never forgive you! Ever!" I snapped before running off after her. I ran all the way to the dorms. I didn't find her anywhere on the way and she wasn't outside. I went up to her room. Empty. My room. Empty. I checked the roof. Nothing. Where would she go? Oh wait. Mr Aizawa's house. She's probably there. I went to Mr Aizawa's house and knocked on the door. The door opened. It was Mr Aizawa.
"Todoroki? What are you doing here?" he asked.
"Is Tamaki here?" I asked although I already had my doubts. Mr Aizawa looked concerned now.
"Come in" he ordered. I walked in. A white haired girl with a small horn looked at me curiously but cautiously.
"What happened?" he asked.
"Tamaki ran off and she isn't at the dorms. I thought she'd be here" I explained. The little girl started crying.
"What's wrong little listener?" Mr Yamada asked.
"I'm sorry. I made her run away. I made her sad" she apologised. I bent down in front of her.
"It wasn't your fault. Don't cry. We'll find Tamaki" I assured. She sniffed before hugging me, still crying. I pet her head.
'I hope I can keep my promise' I thought.

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