Ch38: Left On Voicemail

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[one missed call from Shoto 3 weeks ago at 8:47pm]

Hey Tamaki. You didn't pick up so I'm just going to leave a voicemail. I hope you're alright. Please don't do anything that you'd regret later

[2 missed calls from Dad 3 weeks ago at 9:15pm]

[No voicemail was left]


3 weeks ago at 9:24pm

You alright? You've not come home yet and dad is really worried. So is Todoroki. Eri thought that she was the reason that you ran off and started crying. Everyone just hopes that you're alright.


3 weeks ago at 11:37am

I heard from Todoroki that you ran off. Are you alright?

[3 missed calls from Dad 3 weeks ago at 12:59pm]

[No voicemail was left]

[7 missed calls from Shoto 3 weeks ago at 7:28pm]

Tamaki? Could you please pick up? I just want to know if you're alright

You don't have to pick up if you don't want to but could you maybe send a text

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken you to my house. It was stupid. I should have thought about what dad would do before deciding that you should come over.

You know.......... Cosmo really misses you.......... He's in my room right now and he won't stop clawing at the door and meowing.

Eri was really upset the other day when she thought you'd ran off. Everyone in Mr Aizawa's house had to stop her from crying.

Mr Aizawa is really sad. He hasn't been the same in class today. He sounded distant and trailed off a lot. Midnight had to take the class because he looked just about ready to break down in front of the entire class. He had said he was fine but Present mic led him out of the classroom. Has he called you?

I hope you're alright

[1 missed call from Dad 3 weeks ago at 11:58am]

[No voicemail was left]


3 weeks ago at 12:34pm

Todoroki told me what happened. Are you alright? Its been a few days now and no one has heard anything from you

Unknown number

3 weeks ago at 4:53pm

Yo Aizawa. It's Kirishima. Amajiki gave me your number. I thought maybe I could try and reach you. Message me back if you get this alright

Unknown number

3 weeks ago at 7:45am

You are late once again Aizawa

Sorry about that. I know that you're missing. Todoroki told us. But you are missing out on valuable lesson time

Unknown number

3 weeks ago at 10:27am

Hey Aizawa. It's Uraraka. Deku gave me your number. Just wanted to see if you'll answer. Be safe.

[4 missed calls from Dad 2 weeks ago at 7:47am]

[No voicemail was left]

[3 missed calls from Shoto 2 weeks ago at 6:38pm]

Tamaki? Its been a week. Are you alright?..............

Mr Aizawa looks worse then the day after you disappeared. I don't think he's been sleeping. He looks even more tired then he usually does. He's always slumped over and I haven't seen him eat anything in a week. I asked Shinso and he said that he hadn't been showing up to dinner every night. Apparently he's been out late into the night looking for you. He's really worried about you

I............ I really miss you Tamaki. I keep going into your room or looking at your desk, expecting you to be there but you aren't. I really hope you're OK.


2 weeks ago at 7:19pm

I was keeping an eye out for you on patrol tonight. I didn't see you. There was a point where I thought I had saw you and was actually hoping I could report back to Todoroki and Aizawa the good news but it was just a random civilian.

Fatgum noticed how my mood went from looking ready to explode with happiness to a completely somber one. Kirishima and I explained to him the situation. I hope you don't mind.

Unknown number

2 weeks ago at 1:41pm

Oi Tired face. Get back here already. You've made Half n half boring. All he's doing is staring down at the ground. He's so boring in. The license classes

[6 missed calls from Dad 1 week ago at 8:36pm]

[1 voice mail was left]

Tamaki?......... Are........ Are you alright?......... I'm worried............ You haven't come home. Its been...... It...... Its been two weeks.. I can't find you anywhere......... Please just call me back. Let me know you're safe. That's all I want. To know that you're safe.

[3 missed calls from Shoto 4 hours ago]

Tamaki? It's been 3 weeks. Where are you?

I really miss you. I hope you're OK

I promise that everything will be alright once I find you

Tears dripped down onto the screen of the phone. The crack in one corner having not been there last time he'd seen the phone. He had read through all the messages and voicemails. All of them had been left unread or hadn't been listened to. He was the first to read and listen to them. He looked up again, biting his lower lip to try and stop the tears from falling. Tamaki had been taken from the scene but that didn't mean he couldn't remember what she had looked like. Bleeding and broken. Blood was everywhere, including his clothes after he knelled on the ground, clutching onto Tamaki while crying.

Why did the world have to be so cruel to someone like Tamaki?' he thought.

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