Chapter 50

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Shoto's pov

I walked up to Tamaki's room, holding onto a plate of cookies. I knocked on the door before waiting. The door opened slowly with Tamaki standing nervously at the slightly open door.
"Hey Tamaki, I brought cookies" I smile. She looks at her feet for a second before letting me into the room.
"Everything alright?" I ask.
"Yeah..... Everything's fine" she mumbles, slowly shuffling over to her bed where she sat down. I sat down next to her, placing the cookies between us. She looked down at them.
"Take one. I brought them for us to share" I encourage. She fiddles with her sleeve but gently picks one cookie up and starts nibbling the cookie slowly. I bite my lip.
"Are you sure you're alright?" I ask, placing one hand on her shoulder. She shrugs it off.
"Y-yeah. Everything's fine. Just adjusting to being back is all" she quickly assures before taking a large bite of the cookie, coughing when she tried to swallow it without chewing. I pat her back to help dislodge it to which she nodded when she was able to get it down. I rubbed soothing circles on her back while she tried to recover from the rough coughing. I take one of the cookies, biting into it.
"You know that I will listen if something is wrong. You realize that, right?" I ask. She sighs and nods.
"I love you Tamaki. I want to help you but I can't if you don't tell me anything" I sigh.
"Everything's fine" she snapped before turning away with hunched shoulders. I turn her to face me, placing a kiss on her nose.
"I'll be next door doing homework if you need me. Just give my door a knock or ring my phone" I explained. She tilts her eyes downward.
"I love you" I whisper before pushing myself off the bed. Tamaki starts stretching her sleeves but I don't say anything. Instead, I walk to the door and slowly open the door. I head to my room where I almost trip over Cosmo who is trying to get out of the room.
"Right, I'll need to give you back to Tamaki in the next few days. That is if she's willing to" I sigh. I bend down and pet the slim tom between the ears. He tilts his head, rubbing his cheek against my hand before licking my fingers. I ran one hand down from the back of the head, over his shoulders which pointed towards each other, almost touching and right down to the base of his tail. He purred loudly, flicking his tail. When I tried to pick him up, he quickly squirmed away from me. I shook my head. I could see why Tamaki had a fondness for him.


So I wanted to give an explanation about Tamaki's cat since some might be confused about the close shoulders. Her cat is actually based on my old cat, Cosmo who was in fact a really slim cat. Like, he loved food but never gained weight despite being a housecat, the opposite of my other cat. He also had really closely packed shoulders which were unnatural when compared to my other cat. We had him for 9 years before he sadly. That's actually why I gave him to Tamaki, as a small memorial of sorts. All the behaviors are based around how he acted. Didn't like cuddling or being picked up for long periods but would sit in your lap or curl up against your legs when sleeping, would lick hands, didn't like change and meowed almost constantly. Oh and the loud purring.

Sorry for rambling, just wanted to explain the shoulder thing and I guess I went on for too long. Whoops.

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