Chapter 1

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This book includes sexual content, as most is girl on girl. There is also a student to teacher relationship involved. So yeah... just a forewarning. 

And the chapters do increase in size by about the middle of the book. 

Enjoy~ ^-^  



Large amounts of screaming filled Amber's ears. She let out a scream to blend in with the others'.

She closed her eyes to ignore the sight before her. Even though she was terrified of the dark, she forced her eyes shut; not being able to bear the sight.

Her own mother was being taken! Amber did not know why and it appeared that she was unable to do anything about it. A man had set her in the corner of this mysterious building Amber had been drove to. If you were to ask her who it was that drove her, she couldn't tell you.

She found herself tapping her shoes and acting like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. She desperately wished she were somewhere else.

This action clearly failed her when Amber's eyes shot open as she heard another of her mother's ear-piercing screams. She was still in the middle of this horrible scene.

She could not take it anymore and she lunged forward to the large closed door before her.

The door was locked and so Amber pounded on it with her tiny fists. "Mommy! Let her go! Please."

The screams advanced despite Amber's pleas.

She grunted as hands were suddenly on her waists, lifting her up off the ground.

"Amber," spoke a demanding voice.

She was turned to face the woman who held her. She had dark black hair and her eyes stared deep into Amber, making her uncomfortable. She had definitely seen her before as she recognized her. But she had no name in Amber's small mind.

The woman wiped off one of Amber's tears that ran down her cheek. "It's okay, dear."

This made Amber furious. Was she oblivious to what was happening? 

"No it is not! Now let me go! I have to get mommy!" Amber shouted over the chaos as she beat on the woman with her fists and dangling feet.

The woman held her tighter and frowned. "Now that's not very good behavior, is it?"

Amber slowed her squirming at this but continued to protest. "What are they doing to momma?!"

The woman was about to speak when she was cut off by a man stepping out of the large door, gaining both her and Amber's attention.

Amber's eyes grew wide at this as she spotted her mother from behind the man. She was tied to the ceiling and looked as if she were going to pass out. Her beautiful brown hair was tangled and her nose was bleeding.

When she made eye contact with Amber, she went insane.

Amber watched as she fought with the rope that held onto her. "My baby!"

Amber blinked and began struggling in the woman's arms. "Mommy!"

She began to cry even harder and was struggling so furiously that the woman somewhat gave in and walked closer to the door.

Amber held her hands out for her mother, unable to comprehend that her mother was incapable of holding her.

"Take care of her," her mother begged in between pants.

Amber turned her head to the woman who held onto her just in time to see her nod to Amber's mother.

"What are they doing?!" Amber demanded of the woman.

The woman only let several tears fall in response.

Amber then turned back to her mother and caught her mouthing the words "I love you," which at the moment, Amber would not understand.

"Mommy!" Amber called out one last time before the door was slammed shut.

Immediately, the woman holding Amber burst into the other direction.

Amber was soon thrown into a car, but she was screaming her head off. What was going on?! Why were they just leaving? Her mom needed them.

Her father soon entered the car as did the woman on her other side.

She stared in silence at the woman, who ignored her stares.

Amber got distracted as her father pulled her close, and Amber was too exhausted to ask anymore questions. She soon cried herself to sleep in her father's embrace.

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