Chapter 37

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"We'll continue this lesson tomorrow. Have a nice first day everyone!" Amber's new science teacher yelled after the students as they filed out of the classroom.

It was finally lunch time and Amber's stomach had been growling at her since second period. She would definitely need to be eating more than a piece of toast in the mornings.

Everything had gone good so far: her teachers seemed pleasant as well as the other kids. She had not yet caught that boy she'd seen or made any friends yet.

A bit nervous about where she would sit for lunch, Amber followed the mass of seniors into the cafeteria. Good thing multiples of her classmates were headed that way, or she wouldn't know where to go. She had a great sense of direction, but she hadn't even been here a day!

She stalked her classmates through the lunch line and found the food available to be appetizing, unlike her old school back home whom only served molded tuna sandwiches.

After gathering a plate full of mashed potatoes and beans, Amber scanned the large cafeteria in desperate hopes of finding somewhere to sit. She waited an instant to see if anyone would reach out to the new kid, but when no one did, she quickly scurried her way over to an empty table.

Her lips turned down into a disappointed frown as she looked over the other students. They all seemed to have their groups of friends formed. It appeared they had all gone here previous years, and Amber was left alone for sure. Amber sighed out loud. Who even changes schools senior year? It's the absolute worst year to switch.

Amber cursed under her breath after noticing she had forgotten a drink.

She really did not want to wait in the lunch line again just for a bottle of water, and she found great happiness in spotting a vending machine packed with all sorts of drinks.

Amber proceeded to stand and make her way over to the machine and waited behind the kid who had already been there. After she was gone, Amber stepped up and was shocked at how much was offered. At her old school, they were only allowed water. But this place was packed with sodas, and...blood.

Amber cringed at the sight of how much blood was offered: 'Type A blood', 'Type B blood', and so forth.

She took a moment to take a deep breath. She was a vampire...or, half vampire, now. She had to get used to this.

She was stretching out her hand to shove in her dollar bills for a simple Diet Coke, when her arm was shoved to the side.

She let out a gasp in shock as she pulled her arm back. It was a male who had shoved past her and he acted as if he had not. He got busy with the machine and Amber angrily placed her hands on her hips as she heard his drink clatter down the box before he bent down to grab it.

Amber was too afraid to exactly call him out for it, but she did clear her throat, successfully gaining his attention.

Her hands slid down off her hips as she found herself to be once more staring into deep black eyes. It was the boy again!

He held a smirk on his lips as he brushed past her and abruptly left.

She turned to follow him with her eyes and noted the bottle of blood he had chosen as his drink.

Last hour could not come any faster, and when it did, Amber busted out of the school.

No doubt, she liked it, but she needed to get away. Being at this new school was a constant reminder of her old one, and everything about it was easy to compare to her one back home. It caused her to miss her friends, her teachers, her school itself, and just being home.

For heck's sake, she didn't even know what state she was in. She plastered a note on her brain reminding her to ask Luna later. She had thought of it before, but Luna intimidated her too much for her to grow the courage to ask. Yes, she still was afraid of Luna, but she was also curious.

She knew it was the first time she smiled as Luna's car pulled up to the school. She hopped in the passenger seat almost immediately and just as instantly, Luna began to bog her with questions.

"Oh hey! How did today go? Did you have everything you needed? How are your teachers? And the students?"

Amber blinked at Luna as she waited for her to stop talking so she could. Once she finally had, Amber answered her.

"It was good for the most part. And I need a backpack. And everyone was nice," Amber spilled out with a huff.

Luna smiled warmly at her as they drove off. "Aw, well good. I'll get Dave to pick you up a backpack."

Amber snickered as she imagined how he would react to having that job. He would most likely pick out the most ugly backpack available just because of his random hatred of Amber.

Once back at the house, Joel stood by the door as if waiting for Amber's arrival.

Just as soon as she walked in, Joel ran up and swooped her into the air, spinning her in circles.

She let out a yell in surprise but broke out in laughter as she was swung in the air.

Joel finally set her down with a grin plastered on his face. "Well? How was your first day at Dark Shadows?"

"It was lovely, I hear," Luna spoke up for Amber.

"Is that so?" Joel asked as he playfully set his hands on his hips.

Amber nodded in response, now answering her own question. "I like it there."

She grinned as Joel patted the top of her head. "Good, good."

Amber turned to peek at Luna, but surprisingly did not see her. "Where did she...?" Amber mumbled as she turned in a small circle in attempts to find where her mistress had disappeared to.

She only finished the circle to face Joel again, who chuckled, making her wonder how many times a day he did that.

"Vampire speed, Amber."

"Ooh," Amber mooed in understanding.

Joel nodded and motioned to the kitchen with his thumbs. "How about an after school snack with the best guy in the house, hm?"

Amber rolled her eyes but went in the direction his thumbs pointed.

"I'll take that as a yes!" Joel sung as he caught up with her so the two of them could make their way to grab something to eat together.

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