Chapter 70

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Amber blew English class away once more. She couldn't pay attention as the only thing on her mind was Luna and her expected fury. She knew she had absolutely no chance of living after school.

English class ended, and Amber made her way to math. She entered the room and took her usual and assigned seat at the front of the room. Lucy soon followed her footsteps and ran up to her desk.

"Hey! How was your weekend?" She asked with a smile to show off her white teeth.

"Terrible. Yours?"

Lucy burst into laughter. "I love how plainly you said that! Mine was fine. Why was yours so bad?"

Amber giggled as she thought up of something to say. She couldn't imagine the girl's reaction if she told her the truth. "It was just boring."

Lucy cooed at her before walking past her to take her seat at the back of the room. Amber often missed sitting next to her, but she knew she had a great view by being at the front.

She noticed Hailey standing nearby with Asher speaking to her. Amber then wondered if they were talking about her and her predicament. She couldn't hear what they were saying because of the loud chatter of the other kids. Was he seriously on their side?

The bell rang and Amber watched Hailey force him to go back to sit down.

He grudgingly made his way to his seat, and as he passed Amber, he gave her a wink. Why did he always tease her like this? She hadn't had an actual conversation with the boy in forever. Did he know she knew he was supposedly for her?

Hailey loudly cleared her throat, but the other kids continued talking. "Hello, class! Let's remember the weekend is over," she yelled, finally making the voices simmer down to silence.

"So how was the homework?" Hailey asked as she scanned her eyes over the classroom.

There was complete silence, and Amber knew that half the class didn't even do it. Hailey's eyes were suddenly on Amber.

"Amber. Did you get the homework?" She asked with a small smile.

Amber did understand the homework, but she hated being picked on, especially by her girlfriend.

"Um... I mean, yeah, I guess."

"Did you get number one?" Hailey asked.

Amber only nodded up to the woman.

Hailey's smile grew wider and she handed Amber a marker. "Would you put the answer on the white board for us?"

Amber glanced back and forth between the marker and Hailey. "Why?" She blurted out.

Hailey's smile dropped and Amber heard chuckles from the other students.

"Because I asked you to," Hailey said in a stern tone.

Not wanting to argue, Amber quickly took the marker and her homework and went to the board. It wasn't her fault she was still in a grumpy mood. Hailey knew she was, too! So why would she pick on her?

As Amber wrote out the answer to the problem, she heard Hailey calling on several other kids to join Amber to write out other problems.

Amber finished and stepped away from the board. She watched Hailey look over it before her eyes landed on Amber.

"Very nice work, Amber," she complimented her.

"Thanks," she mumbled before making her way back to her seat.

Fifteen minutes later, they were learning a new topic when there was a knock on the door. Hailey put the lesson on hold and went to open the door.

"Ms. Deprey, I'm sorry to interrupt," said a voice which Amber recognized as Mrs. Welt's.

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