Chapter 74

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"What are you doing?"

Amber whirled around in the chair to find Luna staring at her. It was the next day, and Amber was in the kitchen eating breakfast. She had gotten dressed for school, and didn't understand Luna's question. She did this everyday.

"I'm eating..."

This was the first time Luna and her had spoke since Luna drank from her. She hadn't ended up coming inside of Amber's room, which was a relief to her.

"Well I didn't think you were going to school, but whatever," Luna responded coolly.

Was she really about to let her not go to school? Amber didn't care, though. She wanted to get out of this house, and even more so, she wanted to see Hailey.

"But I'm not driving you to school anymore. As punishment for your actions, you'll be walking to school. I have already asked the school to notify me if you don't show up, so don't even think about not going."

Amber gasped lowly. What?! She was going to have to walk to school? Luna didn't seem to realize how long that would take her to walk there. And did she never go outside? It was freezing!

Amber glanced at the clock and knew she needed to go if she was walking. Without saying a word, she got up and brushed past Luna. She would pretend she didn't mind it. Actually, it wasn't so bad. It would give her some fresh air since she was always locked up in the house, and she would get less time with Luna.

She opened the door, and a wave of cold air collided with her face. She glanced behind her and saw Luna staring after her. She only huffed at her before stepping out and closing the door. She knew how to get to the school, but didn't see how she was going to get there on time. She knew she would definitely be missing detention. Hailey would for sure freak when Amber didn't show up. She would be there eventually, though, to calm down her girl.

She shivered under the small flakes which surrounded her. She though snow was beautiful, but it was so damn cold. The snow wasn't sticking yet, but Amber knew she would want to die by next month if she continued to walk to school. It was only going to get colder.

It felt like forever until Amber finally reached the school. She didn't know what time it was, but she already knew she was real late. First period was probably halfway over already.

She found her theory to be correct when she stepped into the school and saw the hanging clock.

She cursed Luna from under her breath and rushed to class. She would have to come up with a believable excuse to tell her teacher. She had already gotten in so much trouble at this school, and her English teacher was worried about her. While on her way, she decided to tell him there had been lots of traffic on the way.

She lightly knocked on the closed classroom door before opening it. Once she had entered, all eyes were on her. She wasn't a fan on being the center of attention.

"Ah, hello, Amber," her teacher greeted her.

"I'm...I'm sorry, there was bad traffic on the way," she fibbed.

He smiled softly and nodded at her. "That's just fine. Take your seat."

Amber closed the door behind her and headed to her desk. She didn't want to be at school too much anymore. She wanted to see Hailey then leave.

It was hard for Amber not to fall asleep in the small time that was left in class. She hadn't slept well the other night, as disturbing thoughts of Luna continued flooding her mind. She couldn't get all she had learned out of her mind. The secrets were attacking her, and was making it hard for her to sleep. But now, she could fall asleep sitting up in class.

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