Chapter 64

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Amber side-glanced at Joshua who sat in the desk next to her. He was staring straight at Hailey, and Amber swore he was checking her out.

Amber scowled at him. They were in morning detention and the boy was pissing her off. His eyes had not once left Hailey, and Amber could only imagine the things he was thinking. On that note, Amber wondered if Hailey was gay or bisexual.

Hailey was at her desk right in front of the two students and was obviously busy grading papers. Amber and Joshua had been told to be quiet and not speak a word, but Amber was fidgeting in her seat to not scream at him. She wanted to show Joshua the hickey and rub it in his face that it was Hailey who had given it to her. She was getting extremely over protective of Hailey but couldn't help herself.

She continued watching Joshua check her love out, and then she realized how obsessed she was with something which wasn't even officially hers. Hailey was just the only one for her, she could not imagine anything else.

"You two can go now," Hailey spoke up, slicing into the quiet.

Both kids stood and left the classroom, and Amber wondered if Joshua even caught onto the look she was giving him. He infuriated her to no end.

As the hallways filled with people just then arriving to school, Amber headed to first period. Once the class had started, she caught herself reaching up to her neck more than once. Out of habit, she continued trying to touch the necklace which she usually wore around her neck. She had left it back at the house, though. She really did not want to take any risks with Luna, because the woman was going to kill her if Amber did anything else. She knew she was pushing her limit.

The class eventually came to an end, but the teacher did not let Amber leave as he asked her to stay. Amber thought about what he could want as all the kids flowed out of the room and it was just him and her.

"Amber, are you okay?" He asked her with clear concern in his dark eyes.

Amber was startled by his question. "Uh...yeah, why?"

The man itched his chin before responding. "You appear upset during class, and don't look as if you're paying any attention at all."

Amber knew he was right, she never focused in his class. "I...I mean, I have a lot going on in my life, so yeah, it's a bit distracting. But I'm fine, I promise."

"Do you want to talk about it?" He offered.

Amber almost laughed in his face. If she talked about any of her problems with him, he would freak. "No, sir. I'm alright. Thanks for your concern." Amber heard the second bell go off, and knew she was now late to Hailey's class.

"Okay, well I know you need to get to class, but I just wanted to check up on you. I hope you are aware of your dropping grade. I know you're a smart girl, Amber, and hate to see that grade go down."

Amber sighed. "Yeah...I'll work on it," she swore.

Her teacher smiled at her as he finally seemed satisfied. "Thanks Ms. Hunting." He wrote down a note for her to give to Hailey giving her an excuse for being late.

Amber gave him a polite nod of the head before leaving his class. She should have expected him to pull her aside, that period was a complete blackout to her only because it was the class before Hailey's. She could never focus in there.

She slowly opened Hailey's classroom door before entering.

"And if you divide the-"

Hailey's lecture was cut short as her head darted over to the door. Amber watched her smile and Amber shut the door behind her.

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