Chapter 30

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Amber felt herself twitch.

"Amber. Amber, can you hear me?" Called out a nearby, rich, and demanding voice.

Amber could hear just fine. It was moving which she had the problem with. She could not seem to force any of her muscles to move.

"Amber!" Was the sharp calling out from the same voice which gained her full attention.

Her eyes shot open, but only to be flooded with bright light. She let out a loud groan in pain and shielded her eyes with her arms.

She heard several sighs but did not pay too much attention to them. She kept her eyes squeezed shut as she felt her arms gently being removed from her eyes, and she fought whomever was doing this to her.

The light was blinding and she was confused as to what was going on.

"Amber, stop it."

Amber came to her senses and finally recognized the voice as Luna's. She did as she said and stopped fighting her. She let Luna gently push down her hands and she peeked her eyes open.

She blinked the strong light away and her eyes finally focused. She felt her entire face flush at the scene before her.

She was sprawled out on the floor and Luna was hovering over her. She was on all fours atop of Amber.

Amber moved her eyes past Luna to find handfuls of people staring down at her. She was still in the closet, as were other strangers now as well. The people flooded the closet along with the outside of the door.

"What's...what's going on?" Amber asked as she slowly attempted to sit up.

"No," Luna said as she forcefully kept Amber down.

Amber stared up at Luna wide-eyed and stayed put. She watched as Luna looked back to the crowd of people. "She's fine. Give us some privacy please."

The crowd responded by slowly maneuvering their way out of Amber's sight. She caught a certain face, though. Eva.

She held a tiny hand on the door frame and was busy staring at Amber. In seeing her face, everything suddenly came back to her: Hailey, the touching, the dizziness. She must have fainted.

The two held eye contact and the longer it was held, the more Amber felt guilty. Did Eva know?

The girl soon darted off with the rest of the crowd and Amber let out a sigh from underneath Luna, who still straddled her.

"You scared the hell out of me, young lady. Now what happened?" Luna demanded once every last person was gone.

"I...I don't know," Amber lied as she avoided eye contact with Luna. There was no way she could tell her.

"You don't know. You don't remember a thing?" Luna sighed as Amber stayed silent. "We all thought you were missing! I started a giant search for you and we got lucky someone happened to peek inside this closet. They found you spread out on the floor, with this near your feet," she said as she reached over and dangled Amber's bra in front of her face.

Amber's face grew red with embarrassment and she quickly looked down at her breasts. It appeared someone had pulled her dress up to cover them and Amber sighed in relief.

Luna was still glaring down at Amber. "Care to explain?"

"I honestly don't know what happened, Miss. It''s all just...a daze."

"What's the last thing you remember?"

She quickly recalled how she had lied to Luna as she told her she needed to use the restroom. "I remember searching for a bathroom," Amber lied once more.

Luna frowned. "You need rest," she informed her as she crawled off her and stood.

Amber was still weak, and could not imagine sitting up. She watched as Luna bent back down to pick her up. She cradled Amber and took her outside of the closet.

Amber didn't know how she felt about this, but wrapped her arms around Luna anyways, feeling somewhat of a protection in her arms.

As the two of them stepped back out into the ballroom, Amber quickly shoved her face into Luna's shoulder. She did not wish for people to see her and at the moment, she believed that digging her face into Luna would hide her identity.

As the sound piano music and hushed voices was lost, Amber peeked out from Luna's shoulder to find them approaching a set of stairs. Luna walked up them and Amber was amazed at her strength.

She carried Amber up to her bedroom and gently placed her on the purple sheets.

She watched as Luna sat at her feet and removed her small heels. Luna threw the heels to the side and peered at Amber.

Amber expected her to say something, but when she did not, she decided to speak up. "Is the party...not over yet?"

"No. It will be soon," Luna told her as she brushed back a loose piece of hair on Amber's face.

The two stared at each other in silence before Luna sighed and began to stand. "Well, you-"

Amber cut her off as she sat up quickly and grabbed Luna's wrist. A wave of dizziness hit her once more and she groaned in pain as her head throbbed.

Luna frowned and used her free hand to gently push on Amber's forehead to lay her back down. Amber let her do so, but kept a tight grip on Luna's wrist. For some reason, she found comfort in her presence. She would do anything to keep her from leaving.

"Amber, you need rest," Luna said as if reading her mind.

Amber only shook her head and hid any signs of pain from doing so.

What was wrong with her? She had fainted before, but had never awoken to this kind of feeling. She closed her eyes as she thought of the possibilities that Hailey could have been involved with her fainting. The drink...

Amber's eyes shot open as she recalled how amazing the drink had tasted; it wasn't your typical orange punch flavor. Adding onto the fact, was the other fact that Hailey had gotten their drinks. She must have put something in it! Or maybe it was just simply the food. Eva had gotten sick right after eating the crackers and cheese. Maybe the strawberries were bad, too.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt Luna's wrist slide from her hold.

"No!" Amber yelled as she sat up again. She only screamed in pain afterwards and held her head at the terrible throbbing. She began to cry bitterly for being so foolish.

"Amber, please," Luna said gently as she removed Amber's hands from her face just like she had done not too long ago. "You just need some rest, I promise you'll feel much better once you wake up."

This was the gentlest and most patient Luna had ever been with Amber, but Amber did not care too much. She was terrified at the thought of being alone, and continued to cry.

Luna frowned and placed her hand on top of Amber's. "Fine. How about I sit here until you fall asleep, okay?"

Amber sniffled and finally laid back against the bed once more. She supposed this was the best comfort she was going to get.

Luna gently rubbed her legs as Amber dozed off. She fell asleep quickly and wished it were her real mother holding her, instead of someone who she knew "secretly" despised her.

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