Chapter 12

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Around forty minutes later, the family dinner was still in progress. Amber could count the words she had spoken the whole time, and now found herself to be utterly bored.

The good things about not having to be involved with the conversations were few. For one, Amber did not have to deal with Luna too much. Of course, she was the only one she spoke to, but Luna was too involved with her family and friends to pay much attention to Amber. Secondly, Amber did not realize how hungry she was until food was placed before her. She hadn't much of an appetite since all this had occurred, but she surely ate the food in a jiffy. Thirdly, it gave her plenty of time to think. She thought about the possibilities of what she actually was. Vampire? Half-Vampire? Surely not a human- she had now found that to be impossible.

Amber also busied herself in wondering what Eva  was doing. She watched the peculiar little thing and she was intrigued. The girl hardly ate anything and did not even glance up once to catch Amber's eye. She paid only attention to Joel and Amber felt a hint of jealousy. Why did Amber feel this way about him? And why was Eva so attached to him like this? Was she his slave?

Eva was the last thing on Amber's mind as her thoughts were interrupted by the sight of everyone suddenly standing. Amber looked to her mistress and found her to be already heading out the door.

A grin grew on Amber's lips at the thought of being free from her at last.

She stayed behind in the room in hopes of loosing Luna and as she did so, she inspected those who passed her. They all loomed over her and those who actually belonged to the family, had that small tint of pink in their eyes; as Luna's did.

The room was finally emptied and Amber was at a loss of what to do. This was going to be one boring year if this was only her second day!

Amber stepped out of the room and began her long journey back to her own room.

She imagined Eva leading her as she made her way to her room and somehow ended up in the right place!

After shutting the door behind her, Amber walked across the room, but did not bother stepping over her clothes she had thrown on the floor before changing for the dinner.

She stepped right on top of them, but stopped when she heard a crack and felt something hard under her bare foot.

Curious, she lifted the clothes from the floor and gaped at the culprit of the cracking.

It was her phone!

She couldn't believe it. How could she have been so dumb not to think about it before?

She immediately turned the phone on, and just as the screen had popped up, Amber's bedroom door flew open.

She whirled around to find Luna standing at her doorway.

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