Chapter 73

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Of course. Had Amber not noticed all the obvious signs? This woman was powerful- mentally and physically. And now, she had Amber looking like a fool as she hung there. Luna was right. Had Amber really thought she would get away?

"I see..." Amber finally mumbled.

She felt Luna chuckle against her earlobe. "You can't run from a demon, Amber," she said, still right up against Amber's skin.

"What...what else can you do?"

Amber felt Luna look down for a moment before her lips were once more on her ear. "Many, many things."

Amber actually believed her words this time. She was about to respond, but Luna cut her off. Her aunt leaned away from her as she said in a louder and sterner tone, "Which is why you should never doubt me. You never should have." The woman was now standing before her again, and her black hair was pulled to the side. Her lips were so red and her skin was so pale. It reminded Amber of a pool of blood in snow.

"Amber, I know more about your family and history than you do. Or...might I say our family."

Amber glared at her. "You're not in my family," she hissed bravely.

Luna let out a bitter laugh. "We are related by blood, dear. I know it's quite awful, but it is unfortunately true."

"Where is my father?" Amber asked, thinking now might be a good time to bring up the question. She had been told he was in this state, but where was he being kept? Was he alright?

"He left you," Luna spat. "Why do you care?"

Amber let her head fall so she could gaze at the ground below her dangling hair. She was right. Why did she still give a shit about him? He was probably enjoying his life somewhere without her.

Amber lifted her head back up to look at Luna. "Okay, let me ask this this..."

Luna raised her eyebrows and Amber continued. "How did you become a demon if the rest of us are only vampires?"

Luna unexpectedly smiled and she began to stroll around Amber. "Well, I went through massive amounts of training and practicing. Some of it is natural, but I had to work to make myself this powerful. You see," she went on as she continued to pace around the dangling Amber, "my mother was the demon, and my father was the vampire. I was born from different parents than Joel and your father. I am the eldest and they are only half brothers of mine. After my parents had me, they got a divorce. They-"

"Hold on!" Amber exclaimed as she thought of something. "You're like me then..." She quietly said, although Luna was behind her. The woman must have stopped walking.

"Excuse me?"

"You're half and half...just like me. So why was it a big deal that I was made like this, but it was nothing for you?!" None of this added up. It made no sense to Amber.

Luna chuckled from behind her. "That's not how it is at all, child."

"It is, though!"

Amber gasped as Luna's hand was around her thigh. She spun Amber so she was facing her again. Her ankle was throbbing, and she felt like puking or fainting. She had been held upside for way too long. She did not understand why Luna couldn't just let her down.

"I am a half demon and half vampire, I'm not like you."

"What's the difference?" Amber asked.

"My circumstance isn't against the law! You see, Amber, when you were born, it was illegal for a human to have a child with a vampire and vise versa. When your parents had you, we were still royalty. But when your parents broke their own law, the town went mad. Nobody had imagined a half vampire before. For a year, everyone had intercourse with the opposite kind, which created so many half vampires. Meanwhile, we were fighting for our right to keep the throne. We lost, and the government kicked us off. Afterwards, they collected all the half vampires and imprisoned them. They spared you, as you were technically still a princess. But, Eva, for example, didn't get so lucky. They waited until she was seven years old, and they sold her as a slave along with the other half vampires. Joel bought her, and she has been his ever since. She suffers because of you and your idiotic parents! Don't you see now what you have done?"

Amber had lost all sources of air. Was this true? It had to made sense now. She honestly had fucked absolutely everything up just by being born. But why was Luna blaming it on her? It was her parents who had really caused the issue.

Luna must have noticed how speechless she had become, so she continued.

"Our family tore apart. You know how large vampire families are. After you were born, many of them fled; probably out of embarrassment or fear they themselves would be punished. But that wasn't like me. I don't run away from my problems. I grew furious, and hated you instantly. Your parents were terrified of me, since they knew I was strong. Joel was the only one who stopped me from killing your mother or father. I promised them, though, that I would take you one day. I told them they would pay. So I took my revenge out on your mother, before I took it out on you and your father by taking you away. He expected me on your eighteenth birthday, because that is when I swore I'd come. But Joel brought you earlier, hoping to stop anyone from dying or being killed."

Amber was glaring furiously at Luna. How could someone be so evil? Amber knew her parents didn't intend to create problems; they only fell in love. And what had she done to her mother exactly? She knew she had to be responsible for part of what had happened, but she didn't even know the truth of what had happened to her mom. "So basically you're just a selfish little witch!"

She had more to say, but did not get to as at last the branches let her go. She would have been relieved, but she fell directly on her face. She yelped in pain as her head collided with the cold ground. Amber was too angry to sit there and feel bad for herself, so she sat up and narrowed her eyes once more at Luna, who stood over her looking just as angry.

"All you care about is power and royalty! You don't give two shits about love and new ideas and children! You are evil and wicked!" Amber ranted before standing on her feet. The ankle in which the tree had been holding onto was dead numb, but the frustration took over the pain. "You have me now, okay?!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. She threw her arms in the air as a sign she was all hers.

She slowly refocused her brain as she got no response from Luna. She was going insane, and she herself knew it. But this was so much. How could her life be this traumatic? And how could people be so horrible?!

Luna had her arms folded in front of her, and her eyes closed for a long second before opening back up at Amber.

Amber waddled on her numb foot as she took a few steps closer to Luna. Her arms were still raised in submission, but she raised them higher now. "You have me," she repeated in a whisper. "What do you want?"

Luna looked away from her, and Amber saw something she had never thought she would. She witnessed as a single, glowing tear escaped Luna's eye. Amber watched in awe as the tear slowly made its way down her cheek, and to her chin. It sat on the edge of her chin before it finally let go and fell to join the grass beneath them.

Why was she crying? Was she feeling bad now? Amber began to think she had hit a nerve in Luna. She might have finally made her realized how over dramatic she was being with all this.

Luna slowly turned her head back to look at Amber, whose arms were still held up high. She began to walk her way, and Amber stood still in hopes to hide her fear. She was unsure of what Luna was doing, but as she stepped closer, her eyes appeared glassy. Amber could see the tears sitting in Luna's eyes, just begging to be set free.

Luna leaned her head close to Amber, although she was still confused as to what she was doing. Her hands might have been freezing, but her head was warm as it nuzzled its way into the crook of her neck. She expected to feel the warmth of Luna's tongue and lips against her skin, but instead felt sharp teeth.

It was too late to stop her, as the fangs were instantly pushed inside of her skin. Amber heard her own scream and she let her hands fall to her sides. Luna continued to feed from her as Amber panted wildly.

She was feeling so weak, and her mind was loosing all focus. She tried to force her eyes to stay open, but they proceeded to droop and fall to cover her blurry vision. She felt Luna grasping onto her tightly, and Amber clutched back so she wouldn't fall to the ground.

Luna seemed to be drinking from her for a good hour. Amber didn't know when or if she was going to stop. Was she trying to kill her?!

"Luna..." Amber whispered into the cool air before falling into complete darkness.


This had to be hell. Amber had died and gone to hell, hadn't she?!

She gasped loudly and forced her muscles to move. Amber shot open her eyes and found herself to be in her room. She was sitting up on the bed and she was drenched with sweat. Had she had a bad dream? What was this?!

She then recalled all that had happened. The way those trees had moved and grabbed her, everything that Luna had said, and the biting. Either she had dreamed all of it, or she has fainted as she was bitten.

It had to have been a nightmare. Trees don't do that. Seeing as there was only one way to find out, Amber lifted her head to feel her neck.

Shit, it was real. She felt the two small holes which sat comfortably on the side of her neck.

She shivered at the sudden feeling of cold air, and she glanced out the window to see if it was snowing. It for sure was, and some of the snow was flooding her room as one of the windows was still broken. Glass pieces surrounded it, and the large hole allowed cool air to enter her room.

What was she suppose to do now? Think over all the things Luna had told her? No way, she would become depressed.

Just as she decided she should take a nap, her bedroom door opened. She thought it was Luna, but was happy when she saw it to be Eva.

"Oh, Amber, you're awake," she said softly with an even softer smile.

Amber nodded and returned the smile. She immediately thought of what Luna had said; how she was responsible for Eva becoming a slave. The poor girl had no future now because of her and her parents.

Eva sat down on the bed, next to Amber's waist. She held a styrofoam cup in hand, and Amber was going to ask about it, when Eva spoke up.

"So you tried to run away," she reminded her with a sad smile.

Amber sighed. "Yeah."

Eva rubbed her leg although it was covered in the bed sheets. Amber then wondered who had returned the sheets to their rightful place.

"I talked to Miss Luna once she returned with you. She told me she told you practically everything. She also admitted to me what she did to your chest."

Amber chewed on her bottom lip and looked down. She didn't want Eva ever finding out what Luna had done, but it was too late now.

"Amber, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything you've been through. And you shouldn't have done that for me, you didn't deserve it."

Amber snapped her head back up to her and ignored the tears which were now flooding her eyes. "No, Eva. I'm sorry! I'm the reason you're a slave now. I took your life away from you, and I apologize."

Eva frowned and shook her head. "Luna has shoved that nonsense into your head. It was my own parents fault. They followed your parents' ways, and they weren't even married. Your parents were in love, and they ignored tradition. They tried to break the hatred between the humans and vampires, that's all."

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