Chapter 34

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Several weeks had passed, and Amber had grown restless. She had yet to find Hailey, and questions from that night were still lurking in her mind.

Eva seemed fine and did not appear to notice a thing. That did not stop Amber from feeling guilty, though.

Amber had gotten over whatever drug Hailey had given her, but swore she was now becoming homesick. She missed the fresh air. She missed being able to simply go shopping. She missed her friends. She longed for her father. She even missed school. Just at the thought of her life being as it was only several months ago made her stomach flip.

Amber was currently laying on her bed, just simply staring up at the ceiling looming above her. She needed something to distract her from her thoughts or she knew she would begin to cry. And crying led to headaches, so she jumped off her bed as her mind raced for ideas on what to do.

As if to answer her wishes, there was a soft knock on her door.

"Come in," she yelled as she stood in the middle of her room staring at the door.

She watched as it opened and a familiar girl stepped inside. It was Miranda, who usually ran around doing Luna's errands for her.

"Miss Luna wishes to see you," Miranda told her simply.

Amber felt relieved to have a distraction, but still never looked forward to seeing Luna. She let out a sigh as she nodded to Miranda.

Miranda led her outside of her room, but did not head for Luna's bedroom like Amber had expected.

She followed close behind Miranda as she led her throughout the house and finally stopped at a closed door. "She's right inside there," Miranda informed her before giving her a curtsy and heading off.

Amber took a second to debate whether she should knock or go on in. She finally came to a decision to just enter the room.

She cautiously cracked the door open. Darkness flooded out and she spotted the back of Luna seated on an armchair.

Amber slowly shut the door behind her after she fully entered the room. It was a small area and the only light came from the fireplace which Luna sat in front of.

Amber was still facing her back, but slowly walked into full view of Luna. She found her to be busy reading a book which sat open in her lap.

Amber was beginning to question whether Luna knew she was there or not, when her mistress slowly reached out a hand to point to a low stool which sat at Luna's feet, her eyes not once leaving the pages of her book.

Following her silent instruction, Amber slowly took a seat.

After seated on the small stool, Amber stared up at Luna quietly, wondering why she had been called in.

Amber had grown to feel awkward after moments of silence passed. She jumped, though, as Luna loudly slammed the book shut. She paused as her eyes bore into Amber, her face expressionless.

Amber was scanning her mind for things that she had done wrong and her heart stopped as she thought of Hailey. Oh no!

Luna's lips unexpectedly turned up into a smile as she made herself more comfortable in the chair. "Hi, Amber."

"Hello Miss..."

"I've been thinking..." Luna told her softly as she rested her chin on her palm. "Do you know what month it is?"

Amber slowly shook her head up to Luna. She felt dumb not to have a clue, but Luna had provided her no source of knowing. The only things that even hinted at the date was the weather.

"Well, child, it is August now and school is about to start!" Luna looked over Amber curiously before going on. "So I was thinking you should go. You wouldn't be attending your old school, of course. You'd be going to a new one. One just for vampires." Luna raised her eyebrows as if to ask for Amber's opinion as she leaned back in the armchair.

A school just for vampires? That'd be so odd...But Amber already knew she for sure wanted to go. Anything to get out of this house.

"I think I would like that," she told Luna.

Amber watched as Luna's eyes lit up. "Wonderful! School will be starting up in exactly ten days. I'm so happy you're interested," she chirped as she leaned back forward; looming over Amber as she did so.

Amber chuckled softly as she hadn't seen Luna ever this happy with her.

Amber was not too much of a people person, and no one could replace her friends back home, but she was open to giving this a chance. It added onto her lists of things to do while she waited around for her dad.

Amber was too deep in thought on what she might experience at this new school, that she was oblivious that Luna was sliding off the seat. Amber flashed back to reality as Luna kneeled in front of her.

She fidgeted on the stool while Luna was in eye level with Amber. Her mistress suddenly lifted a hand and caressed Amber's cheek.

This made Amber come to imagine Luna craving sex, but Amber wasn't up for it. She despised her. Once Luna had taken her hand off her cheek, Amber planned to quickly make up an excuse to leave.

The problem was, though, that Luna did not remove her hand. She kept running it over Amber's cheek and continued staring at her with those pink eyes.

Amber eventually grew the courage to clear her throat as if to signal for Luna to get off her.

Luna didn't seem to take the signal the right way as she leap atop of Amber.

The stool flung from underneath her as she was shoved to the ground. Luna held her down and leaned in to lick at her lips.

Too afraid to fight her, Amber just laid there and kept her lips tightly squeezed together.

Luna noticed this and roughly shoved her tongue inside of Amber's lips; so hard it caused her stubborn lips to snap open and welcome Luna's tongue.

Amber let a soft moan escape as she felt Luna's tounge dancing around her mouth as her hand traveled up Amber's thigh.

Amber soon found that her shorts had been removed and she almost groaned out loud. This had to stop. She couldn't keep letting Luna do this to her. But what were she to do? She was too scared to fight her.

Goosebumps lined up on Amber's arms as Luna drug her finger across Amber's damp pantie-line. Not only was Luna using her, she was now teasing her.

Her mistress began to place small kisses along the lower end of Amber's stomach and traced them down as Amber's underwear was removed.

She watched in awe as her underwear was tossed to the side.

Amber moved her gaze to Luna who perched between her legs with a wide grin on her face. She held Amber's legs open for easy access, and despite Amber's brave efforts to push them closed, Luna held a firm grip.

She let out a defeated sigh as she laid her head back against the carpeted floor. It was too late to do anything now, she might as well let it happen.

She clutched onto the carpet as she felt Luna's warm tongue running along her clit.

Luna giggled against Amber and glanced up at her. Not being in charge of her movements, Amber quickly took hold of the top of Luna's head and shoved it against her.

Instead of having Luna lick around her once more, she instead growled loudly and bit Amber's inner thigh.

Amber squealed in pain and began to squirm as Luna held a hold of her with her teeth.

"Miss...Mistress!" She yelled as Luna pinned her down by holding onto her hips.

Tears filled Amber's eyes at the pain of Luna's teeth pricking her skin.

Luna finally pulled back and sat up as Amber wiped off her tears and quickly crawled away from her.

Without a word, Amber yanked on her clothes and ran out of the room, thankful Luna had not attempted to stop her.

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