Chapter 43

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"She did what?!" Luna fumed, causing Amber to cringe in the small chair she had been seated in.

The office had called Luna in to inform her on what had happened. Amber knew she would be absolutely livid, but really hoped she would take it out on her later, and not in the middle of the building where classes of people surrounded them.

"I found her gripping our newest teacher's neck, practically choking her until she was going to faint," Mrs. Windcot explained.

They were all in the principle's office: Mrs. Windcot, Amber, Luna, and of course Mrs. Welt herself. Luna was standing by Mrs. Welt's desk as Mrs. Windcot stood on the other side. Amber's principle was leaning forward in her desk chair, rubbing her temples in clear exhaustion and annoyance.

"That is such an over dramatic way of explaining what you saw," Amber commented quietly, shocked at her bravery to say such a thing with a room filled with people who had such authority over her.

"What is a better way then, Amber?! Hm? 'Cause I would love to hear it," Luna snapped.

"I was just mad," Amber said, keeping her eyes focused on the floor beneath her feet. "You know how I am when I'm mad."

Now that was a bit of an understatement. Luna did not know her, not at all. And she didn't expect Luna to understand, especially since she still had yet to tell her anything that had occurred at the party. She fully planned on keeping it a secret about the fact that it was Hailey who she had done all this too, just to be safe.

"Amber," Luna called Amber's attention back as she stepped away from Mrs. Welt's office and approached Amber. "I'm sorry, but that is no excuse. These things that you did to your teacher...why? What was the point?"

Amber could just feel the sweat forming on her hairline. She was such a terrible liar and prayed that that was not about to be proved. "She said something to make me mad, okay?"

Luna looked as if she were about to roar at Amber, but Mrs. Welt cut her off. "I don't see any point in really having further discussion on this matter. What's done is done. I would suspend you, Ms. Hunting, but since it is your first year attending this school, along with it being the first week, I am willing to be more lenient. I think it would be a suitable punishment for you to work for Ms. Deprey each day after school for as long as she would like you to. You could help her organize, clean, or anything else she needs done. Although, she might not be comfortable being alone with you in a room yet, but I will speak with her."

Amber had to take a moment to pick her jaw back up from the floor. She was basically just assigned with detention every day after school. But she didn't know if it was a good or bad thing that they involved Hailey.

"And hopefully, your work will at least somewhat make up for the way you treated her," Mrs. Welt continued.

"So what? She could make me stay after every day for the rest of the year if she would like?" Amber asked, with much attitude.

"Amber!" Luna snapped with a disapproving look.

Amber gave her an innocent look as Mrs. Welt went on and answered her question. "Yes, that is correct. So really, your punishment will be in her hands. I do have other things to deal with though, so I will be dismissing you all now."

"Am I suppose to go back to Hail...Ms. Deprey's class then?" Amber questioned as she stood from the chair. She knew if she was set free, she was to go back to class, and so she wished the answer to her question would be no, but was very doubtful her wish would come true. She could not face her again this soon.

"Oh, no. You'll be going home now, as somewhat of a half-day suspension," Mrs. Welt explained.

Amber sighed in relief as Luna flailed her arms in the air in clear frustration.

Amber knew she would be getting loads of shit from Luna, but did not mind. She was ecstatic to leave.

"Alright, well, let's go," Luna said as she took a hold of Amber's wrist and began to guide her out of the office. "Thank you both," Luna said politely to Mrs. Welt and Mrs. Windcot before dragging Amber out the door.

Luna stayed silent as she proceeded to pull her outside and to her car, making Amber want to point out the fact that she was capable of walking on her own. She bit on her tongue to stop herself until they reached Luna's car and she was set free to climb in on her own.

Once the two of them were in the car, Luna reached over and smacked Amber upside the head. Amber squealed as she did not expect this and tears sprung to her eyes at the pain. Although it sounded odd to say, Luna had such a hard hand.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She barked at her, causing Amber to wonder how many times people asked her this, as Joel had just the other day.

"I'm sorry..." Amber whispered, hoping Luna would not recognize how unpersuaded it was.

Luna scoffed at Amber's apology and finally decided to pull out of the school.

Amber kept her watered eyes glued on to the school until it was completely out of view. She could only imagine what Hailey's reaction was. She probably didn't expect her to call her out on what she had done, especially the way that Amber had decided to do so.

"I just can't believe this. You're such an embarrassment." Luna grumbled as she kept her eyes on the road.

Amber quietly snarled at her. She was an embarrassment?! Ha.

Amber was rarely excited to see the house, but today, she was already twitching in her seat ready to run.

Luna stopped the car, and Amber went on with her plan. She jumped out of the car and bolted inside. She kept up her fast pace up the stairs and into her room. Once reaching her destination, she slammed the door behind her and yanked on the tips of her hair in frustration.

She was dying to know what was going on with Hailey, and what the fuck she was doing at her school. And the fact that she now had to see her everyday, along with extra time after school was too much.

She let out a sigh and approached her window seat and plopped down on it.

Her eyes trailed to the drawing she had left laying there. Her mouth was suddenly filled with the way that girl had tasted, reminding her of the obvious fact she had just eaten vanilla ice cream before kissing Amber.

All over again, she swore she could feel her head aching. So many things were wrong, and there was really no obvious solution for any of them.

At the growl of her stomach, she decided it might be a good idea to eat something. She made her way down to the kitchen as she pondered what else she would do since she was 'home' the rest of the day.

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