Chapter 24

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Amber stared as she watched the romantic yet odd scene before her. Wasn't Luna gay?

Samuel finally set Luna fully back down on her feet as her face held a huge smile that matched Samuel's.

"I've missed you so much. You don't understand. Being without you for that long...was...oh, it was like living without precious air!" Samuel exclaimed as if he was reading some cheesy Shakespeare.

Suddenly, everything that had just occurred went from romantic yet odd, to plain odd. Were they really that dependable on each other? Amber just could not get herself to imagine Luna ever...loving.

Despite Amber's thoughts on what just poured from Samuel's mouth, Luna blushed furiously. "Oh, Samuel. I know, I know!" Her cheeks fumed as dark of a red as the lipstick which sat on her lips.

Amber was beginning to feel extremely awkward as she witnessed the two of them simply staring into each other's eyes. She would have just walked the other way, if it were'nt for the fact that she still held the door open, and if she were to let it go, it would smack the two of them to the ground.

On cue, Luna addressed Amber, even though she still stared into Samuel's eyes, as if hypnotized. "Amber, grab his things and take them into my room," she ordered in complete monotone.

Amber blinked and pondered how she were to handle the situation with the door. She slowly attempted to shut it, and as she expected, the two lovebirds were hit with it. Amber was sure to keep a hold of it, though, so they did not get hit too hard.

Luna shot Amber a fierce glare, but Samuel simply stepped to the side, keeping a hold of Luna's hips.

She fully shut the door and muttered an apology to Luna before grabbing Samuel's luggage off the floor. She creeped around them as she entered the room and set them by Luna's bedside.

At a loss of what to do, Amber slowly lowered herself so she sat on the edge of the bed; aware of how uncomfortable and stiff she must look.

After a few moments, the two spoke a few words Amber could not hear and they entered the room. Luna shut the other door behind them, causing Amber's palms to sweat. She was afraid of what was going to happen and knew if things got awkward, she would have to control her laughter. She did not want Samuel thinking she was a complete fool, and she did not want to be slapped by Luna.

"How have you been, my love. It was so hard to speak with you being as far away as I was," said Samuel, as he made sure to never let Luna out of his hold. He held onto her hand and caressed her cheek as he spoke.

Amber knew the two of them would be that obnoxious, clingy couple every high school consisted of. The thought of high school made her wonder about her friends and school itself. Was her phone buzzing in the middle of the forest somewhere? Were her friends freaking out about her absence? Had they filed her in as missing? And what about school? If she were stuck here for a year, she clearly would not be going to school.

Amber was so deep in thought, she zoned out completely on what was occurring around her.

"Amber!" Was the sharp sound she jumped to as she realized Luna and Samuel were both staring at her curiously.

"Oh, sorry.'am?" She spoke quietly, feeling her cheeks fill with a visible light pink. Samuel must think she was mental.

Luna smiled stiffly as she gestured to Samuel. "This is my boyfriend, Samuel. Samuel, this is my stepdaughter, Amber."

Amber held back a cringe as the word 'stepdaughter' rolled from Luna's lips.

Being aware of her status as well as gaining a stern face from Luna, Amber jumped up and bowed to Samuel, but did not say anything since she had already had an encounter with him beforehand.

He gave her a simple smile as she stood up once more.

"Oh, oh!" Luna suddenly exclaimed as she grabbed Samuel's hand and led him towards her large closet which accounted for a whole other room. "The Fourth of July Ball is soon!"

Amber discreetly rolled her eyes and formed her escape plan. She knew she'd most likely get reprimanded for it later, but at the moment, she could not stand all this cheesy love.

Once both the couples' backs were turned her way, she made a run for it. She darted for the door and quietly opened it before leaving the room and gently shutting the door behind her.

She waited at the door, half expecting Luna to storm out, but when it remained closed, she darted off to no exact destination in mind.

As she turned the next corner, she unexpectedly ran into Eva. Literally, too. The girl let out a yelp as Amber practically knocked her to the ground.

"Oh, Eva!" Amber said, feeling herself blush just by being in her presence.

"Hey, what's your rush?" Eva said as she brushed herself off.

Amber glanced back behind her and made a face. "Sneaking away from Luna and her lover."

"Lover? Oh, is Samuel back?"

Amber shrugged. "I suppose so." She did not want to discuss much of the topic since she could feel the dance tugging at the back of her mind. "Hey, I have a question."

Amber was surprised at how she was not nervous at all to ask Eva to the dance. She did not understand why, but being around Eva just made her feel completely comfortable and at ease.

Eva's blond curls jumped as she tilted her head to the side. "And what might that be?"

"Would you be interested in going to the dance with me?" Amber asked as she swayed back and forth on her bare feet.

She knew it was a good sign when a large grin appeared on Eva's face. "I thought you'd never ask!"

Despite that being the typical response to accept someone's offer, Amber clapped her hands in excitement and pulled Eva in for a tight hug.

The girl hugged her back and Amber felt warm in her embrace. Maybe there were some positive outcomes to being kidnapped.

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