Chapter 54

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Amber slammed her locker shut after packing her things. The school day had at last ended, and now was time to make her way to Hailey's classroom. She knew her teacher most likely wouldn't make her work for her as detention today, since they both were excited to get on to the coffee shop.

Amber walked right into the classroom, but found Hailey to be working on something with another student. She did not even notice Amber, so she snuck out just as quick as she had walked in. She did not want to interrupt them, considering they looked hard at work. She was probably actually tutoring the kid, which reminded Amber to pray that Luna would believe her excuse. If Luna told her no, basically everything would be ruined!

Having nothing to do but wait, Amber went outside. Luna would not be coming for a while since she was suppose to be in after school detention with Hailey. Amber slid down the brick wall to sit on the concrete ground which surrounded the front of the school.

She was not seated alone for long, though, when Asher approached her. She noticed the combat boots appear next to her and she followed them up to find him smiling down at her from under his bangs. His smile made her shiver and his boots made her wonder how he got away with wearing them.

"What's up pretty thang?" He asked as he plopped down next to her.

She hesitated a moment before responding. "Um...nothing. You?"

"That's such a common response. Everyone always says 'oh, nothing.'" He then shot her a glare, which gained an innocent look from Amber. "Come on. What you up to?"

"Waiting for my stepmother. Is that a better response?"

Asher laughed and flipped his dark hair to the side to remove it from his eyes. "Yes, it is. I appreciate your effort."

Amber chuckled. "Alright, you're very welcome."

The two then sat in silence. It was not awkward or tension-filled. It was just...silent. Amber multiple times got the urge to ask him what he had been speaking about with Hailey, but could not force herself to. She knew it would sound creepy, and knowing him, he would confront her for eavesdropping.

"My mom is here, I'll be seeing you," Asher said, cutting into the silence as he hopped up. He glanced back to flash Amber a grin before walking past the parking lot and turning a corner.

Amber tilted her head and lingered her eyes on the spot where he had disappeared. Where was this mother of his?

Before she got the chance to confuse herself even more, she spotted Luna pull up. Her heart immediately went insane as she made her way to the woman's dark car. What if she did not believe her and did not let her go? And with Luna, you never knew if she would catch you in your lie; she was majorly sneaky.

Amber opened the car door and made eye contact with Luna. She did not seem to notice the way she kept her eyes on the woman as she tried to force herself to speak. She had not exactly planned on what to say, she was going to wing it. So far, that plan was a load of shit. She stood there silently, attempting to come up with something believable. Yes, she had her lie, but she had not completely worked out wording of the sentence, which was the key to making the whole thing actually believable.

"Amber? Get in the car," Luna finally spoke up, causing Amber to jump slightly.

Luna caught her jump and narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "Are you alright?"

"Me?" Amber asked, raising her eyebrows. She didn't give Luna anytime to respond, though. "Yes, I'm just fine. But I have something to ask you."

Luna waved Amber to get inside the car. "Can't you ask me in here? What are you doing?"

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