Chapter 56

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Two months had passed and now it stood to be the end of November. Nothing had changed since Hailey and Amber had met at the coffee shop. Their relationship was still strong, although they were still not officially dating. They continued kissing all the time. Amber fell week under her touch, and their chemistry was outrageous. Her friendship with Eva was back to normal as they forgot about their argument. She could not keep her eyes off of Asher each time she spotted him. Even if she knew what he was up to now, he was still freaky. Luna was as bitchy as ever, but had been staying out of Amber's way. She figured this was because she was so wrapped up with Samuel and their relationship. Joel and Amber didn't speak as much, but only because she never really saw him around. She didn't know where he would always go off to, but he was hardly ever at the house.

Amber was fully recovered from the car crash, as was Hailey. All her broken bones were healed, and she only had one scar from some stitches in her arm.

It was a Sunday, and Amber was busy studying for a test she had planned the next day. It was hard to imagine the time she had actually spent at this school- it did not feel like three months. What was even more crazy was to think of the amount of time she had been stuck in this house. So much had changed, although the past two months had been quite boring. 

Amber's head darted up at the sudden sound of knocking at her door. "Come in," she called out.

The door proceeded to open, revealing Eva.

Amber immediately smiled at her. "Hey."

Eva surprisingly did not offer a smile back as she shut the door behind her. Amber's own smile soon faded.

"Is something wrong?" She questioned, becoming concerned for her friend.

Eva didn't respond as she stepped closer to her and stood by the edge of her bed, where Amber sat.

Amber caught Eva clutching something in her hand when the girl finally spoke up. "I have something to give you," she told her quietly.

Amber opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by Eva's words. "You can't freak out on me and you can't show Luna, okay?"

Amber slowly nodded. She figured she had become even more concerned than she was by the way Eva was now speaking. She appeared extremely uncomfortable as she gently swayed back and forth beside Amber.

"You need to have this," Eva began with a glance down at her fist. "It's from your mother."

Amber was about to question her when Eva unclenched her fist. Amber loomed up on the bed to peer into Eva's open palm.

There sat a silver chain, which attached to a small heart that which was wine-colored. Amber looked up at Eva's face and the girl nodded to her. Amber took this as an indication to take the necklace and she pulled it off of Eva's palm.

She held it in her own hands and stared at it, trying to figure out what Eva meant. Her mother was gone, what was she talking about?

"Eva...I'm so confused," she said, keeping her eyes on the necklace.

"It's just from your mother. She wants you to have it."

Amber glared at the necklace in confusion. "Wants? I don't-" She lifted her eyes to gaze at Eva, but once looking up, she saw Eva was out of the room.

Amber gasped lightly and shot her head to the door, only to find it empty and wide open.

She cursed under her breath as she held the heart tight between her fingers. She was so lost. What was going on? What was this, and what did it mean?

Her mother had disappeared. Her father told her one day he woke up and she wasn't by his side anymore. He did not know if she ran away, if she was taken, or anything. No one had a clue what had happened to her, so how would Eva? She didn't know her, did she?

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