Chapter 19

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"Bite...bite you?"

Luna pulled back with a smile on her face. "You think you're such a big and bad vampire, then go-"

"Miss! I...I never said that I-"

"Would you stop interrupting me, child?!" Luna boomed; causing Amber to jump.

Luna stared at her as if waiting for an answer. Amber slowly nodded to her.

"So? Will you do it? Or are you too...weak?"

Amber gulped down the lump that sat in her throat. "It' isn't that I'm weak, it's just that...I'm...inexperienced."

"Well," Luna put her arms out. "Just call me Miss Experiment."

Amber stared at her and silently wondered if she was serious as Luna laughed.

She couldn't do this...she just wasn't ready. But there were so many advantages to biting Luna. She could prove to her she was strong, she could prove to herself she was a real vampire, and she would be able to go back to her current bedroom.

Amber flinched as Luna tapped her finger against Amber's forehead. "Well? What do you say?"

Amber took a deep breath. "I will do it."

Luna smiled. "Good, good."

She then turned and headed to sit down on a chair nearby.

Amber stayed behind awkwardly and fiddled with her fingers.

Luna glanced back at her. "Come on, now," she said as she motioned for Amber to approach her.

Amber quickly headed her way and traveled so she stood by her side.

Luna patted Amber's waist before turning back around. She immediately cocked her head to the side to expose it to Amber.

Amber felt her stomach fill with butterflies. How would she do this? She hadn't even felt her fangs yet.

On the thought, she ran her tongue against her teeth. She began to feel dizzy as she felt sharp teeth.

Oh... there they were. Apparently if on the thought, they exposed themselves. Amber knew they were not there before.

She shook her head and focused on Luna's pale, exposed neck.

Amber only stared at her neck. She didn't know what to do, or how to even start.

Luna cocked her head back and Amber took a step back almost simultaneously.

"I'm waiting..."

Amber nodded and forced herself to lunge at Luna.

Luna immediately turned her head back to where it was before and Amber opened her mouth.

She paused once close to Luna. She held her palm against Luna's stomach and her lips against her neck.

She squeezed her eyes shut as she forced her fangs into Luna's neck.

She heard Luna cry out and was about to remove them, but got distracted at the blood that trailed into her mouth.

It tasted...amazing.

Amber viciously sucked against Luna's neck; starving for more.

She heard Luna's desperate pants and she smiled at this. She was showing her now. Amber did have control!

She could drink and drink from her until Luna was screaming for her mercy. She would-

Amber's thoughts were trailed off as she was suddenly ripped from Luna's neck and hurled across the room.

She heard Luna scream as Amber's fangs were removed from her neck and Amber let out her own squeal as she flew back.

She felt as if she were flying until she hit against a wall. Amber grunted as she slid down the wall.

After re-gaining conscience, she looked up to see Luna leaning forward in her chair. She was panting heavily and rubbing her bloody neck.

Amber held back her smile and laughter. She knew she had won now, and did not regret a thing. She ran her tongue over her lips and tasted more of Luna's blood that was left behind there.

She almost moaned aloud at the taste. It was rich, delightful, and crave-worthy.

Amber was ecstatic, but her feelings of joy were transferred to fear as Luna slowly stood, her eyes now a dark red.

Luna unexpectedly let out a laugh as she kept her hand on her neck. " proved yourself very well, Amber, I'll give you that."

Amber could not help but giggle.

"You must enjoy the taste of blood, child. I had to get you off of me before you sucked it all out."

Amber nodded. "I did not hurt you too bad, did I?" She asked; even though she did not really care too much.

Luna sighed and sat back down in the armchair. "No, no. I cope with pain fairly well," she said before giving Amber a reassuring smile.

Amber returned this smile back at her mistress.

"Now...back to your room."

Amber stood at this. "Yes...Alright."

She quickly darted from Luna's room and after shutting the door behind her, let out a squeal of happiness.

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